Development page for TeXCheckR. See also

# install.packages("TeXCheckR")
## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 4.0.2
## Warning: package 'pander' was built under R version 4.0.3
eg <- system.file("extdata", "readme.tex", package = "TeXCheckR")


I'd like an en dash - now.

Quotes need to be entered 'precisely'.

Footnotes can't have spaces before. \footnote{And should be full sentences}

We shouldn't refer to section 1 by typing out the literal cross-reference.

\section{Consitent labels are a good custom}\label{good-customs}

And English spacing dictates sentence spacing HERE. Otherwise the spacing looks strange.

Here the mismatched parentheses are obvious. (But it's not always the case.

We want to avoid this formatting: 10 million payments of $5 would total $50 million. 
And \LaTeX{} won't raise an error.

## Dash likely masquerading as hyphen. Use -- for a dash.
## <U+2716> 5: As always, visually check the result in the PDF.I'd like an en dash - now.
## IMPORTANT: make sure you are replacing a hyphen with two hyphens, not a unicode dash  –

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Single hyphen surrounded by spaces. This is likely a hyphen masquerading as dash. Use -- for a dash.
## IMPORTANT: make sure you are replacing a hyphen with two hyphens, not a unicode dash  –
## If you're not sure, reenter as two hyphens from the keyboard (rather than just appending a hyphen at the end). As always, visually check the result in the PDF.
## Closing quote used at beginning of word. Use a backtick for an opening quote, e.g. The word `ossifrage' is quoted.
## <U+2716> 7: Quotes need to be entered 'precisely'.
##                                 ^

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Closing quote used at beginning of word. Use a backtick for an opening quote, e.g. The word `ossifrage' is quoted.
## Footnote does not end with full stop.
## <U+2716> 9: 
## \footnote
##          {And should be full sentences}

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Footnote does not end with full stop.
## Hard-coded xref in document.
## <U+2716> 11: We shouldn't refer to section 1 by typing out the literal cross-reference.
## All xrefs need to use \Cref or \Vref (or \Chapref for cross-references to chapters). If you need to use this phrase, you can use a non-breaking space e.g. 'Section~81 of the Constitution.

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Hard-coded xref in document. All xrefs need to use \Cref or \Vref (or \Chapref for cross-references to chapters).
## \label used without prefix.
## <U+2716> 13: \section{Consitent labels are a good custom}\label{good-customs}
## Use fig: tbl: box: chap: subsec: paragraph: rec: fn: in every label.

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Each \label must contain a prefix.
## Capital letter ends sentence, but sentence-ending period mark absent.
## <U+2716> 15: And English spacing dictates sentence spacing HERE. Otherwise the spacing looks strange.
## Sentences which end with a capital letter need to be signalled with a sentence-ending period. (\@.)

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Sentences which end with a capital letter need to be signalled with a sentence-ending period. (\@.)
## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : 17 contains parenthesis that does not close.
## Unescaped $.
## <U+2716> 19: We want to avoid this formatting: 10 million payments of $5 would total
##                                                                 ^
## If you meant to print a dollar sign, use \$. If you want to use math-mode, use \(...\), not $...$ .

## Error in rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/TeXCheckR/README.Rmd", : Unescaped $. If you meant to print a dollar sign, use \$. If you want to use math-mode, use \(...\), not $...$ .

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