
Adaptive Huber Estimation and Regression


This package implements the Huber-type estimator for mean, covariance matrix, regression and l1-regularized Huber regression (Huber-Lasso). For all these methods, the robustification parameter τ is calibrated via a tuning-free principle.

Specifically, for Huber regression, assume the observed data vectors (Y, X) follow a linear model Y = θ0 + X θ + ε, where Y is an n-dimensional response vector, X is an n × d design matrix, and ε is an n-vector of noise variables whose distributions can be asymmetric and/or heavy-tailed. The package computes the standard Huber’s M-estimator when d < n and the Huber-Lasso estimator when d > n. The vector of coefficients θ and the intercept term θ0 are estimated successively via a two-step procedure. See Wang et al., 2021 for more details.

Recent update


Version 1.1 is submitted to CRAN.


Install adaHuber from CRAN


Common error messages


There are five functions in this package:

Getting help

Help on the functions can be accessed by typing ?, followed by function name at the R command prompt.

For example, ?adaHuber.reg will present a detailed documentation with inputs, outputs and examples of the function adaHuber.reg.


First, we present an example of Huber mean estimation. We generate data from a t distribution, which is heavy-tailed. We estimate its mean by the tuning-free Huber mean estimator.

n = 1000
mu = 2
X = rt(n, 2) + mu
fit.mean = adaHuber.mean(X)

Then we present an example of Huber covariance matrix estimation. We generate data from t distribution with df = 3, which is heavy-tailed.

n = 100
p = 5
X = matrix(rt(n * p, 3), n, p)
fit.cov = adaHuber.cov(X)

Next, we present an example of adaptive Huber regression. Here we generate data from a linear model Y = X θ + ε, where ε follows a t distribution, and estimate the intercept and coefficients by tuning-free Huber regression.

n = 200
p = 10
beta = rep(1.5, p + 1)
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
err = rt(n, 2)
Y = cbind(1, X) %*% beta + err

fit.adahuber = adaHuber.reg(X, Y, method = "adaptive")
beta.adahuber = fit.adahuber$coef

Finally, we illustrate the use of l1-regularized Huber regression. Again, we generate data from a linear model Y = X θ + ε, where θ is a high-dimensional vector, and ε is from a t distribution. We estimate the intercept and coefficients by Huber-Lasso regression, where the regularization parameter λ is calibrated by K-fold cross-validation, and the robustification parameter τ is chosen by a tuning-free procedure.

n = 100; p = 200; s = 5
beta = c(rep(1.5, s + 1), rep(0, p - s))
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
err = rt(n, 2)
Y = cbind(rep(1, n), X) %*% beta + err 
fit.lasso =, Y)
beta.lasso = fit.lasso$coef



System requirements



Xiaoou Pan, Wen-Xin Zhou


Xiaoou Pan


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Ke, Y., Minsker, S., Ren, Z., Sun, Q. and Zhou, W.-X. (2019). User-friendly covariance estimation for heavy-tailed distributions. Statis. Sci. 34 454-471. Paper

Pan, X., Sun, Q. and Zhou, W.-X. (2021). Iteratively reweighted l1-penalized robust regression. Electron. J. Stat. 15 3287-3348. Paper

Sun, Q., Zhou, W.-X. and Fan, J. (2020). Adaptive Huber regression. J. Amer. Stat. Assoc. 115 254-265. Paper

Wang, L., Zheng, C., Zhou, W. and Zhou, W.-X. (2021). A new principle for tuning-free Huber regression. Stat. Sinica 31 2153-2177. Paper

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