
R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage License

This package implements methods to evaluate the performance characteristics of various point and interval estimators for adaptive two-stage designs with prespecified sample-size recalculation rules. Further, it allows for evaluation of these estimators on real datasets, and it implements methods to calculate p-values.

Currently, it works for designs objects which were produced by the R-package adoptr, which calculates optimal design parameters adaptive two-stage designs.


You can install the development version of adestr by typing


into your R console.

Information for reviewers

The scripts to reproduce the results from the paper can be found in the /data/code/ directory of this repository. The results themselves are located in the /data/ directory.

The easiest way to inspect the results is to clone this repository.

General example for usage of the package

Here is a quick example showing the capabilities of adestr. First, load adestr:


Then, you can evaluate the performance of an estimator like this:

 score = MSE(),
 estimator = SampleMean(),
 data_distribution = Normal(two_armed = TRUE),
 design = get_example_design(),
 mu = c(0, 0.3, 0.6),
 sigma = 1
#> Design:                               TwoStageDesign<n1=28;0.8<=x1<=2.3:n2=9-40>
#> Data Distribution:                                             Normal<two-armed>
#> Estimator:                                                           Sample mean
#> Assumed sigma:                                                                 1
#> Assumed mu:                                                          0.0 0.3 0.6
#> Results:
#>  Expectation:                                   -0.0352411  0.2816994  0.6355803
#>  Bias:                                       -0.03524110 -0.01830056  0.03558030
#>  Variance:                                      0.05558372 0.07330105 0.06590990
#>  MSE:                                           0.05682565 0.07363596 0.06717585

 score = MSE(),
 estimator = SampleMean(),
 data_distribution = Normal(two_armed = TRUE),
 design = get_example_design(),
 mu = seq(-0.7, 1.5, .05),
 sigma = 1
) |> 

You can analyze a dataset like this:

dat <- data.frame(
 endpoint = c(rnorm(28, .2, 1), rnorm(28, 0, 1),
              rnorm(23, .2, 1), rnorm(23, 0, 1)),
 group = factor(rep(c("ctl", "trt", "ctl", "trt"),
 stage = rep(c(1L, 2L), c(56, 46))
 data = dat,
 statistics = get_example_statistics(),
 data_distribution = Normal(two_armed = TRUE),
 sigma = 1,
 design = get_example_design()
#> Design:                               TwoStageDesign<n1=28;0.8<=x1<=2.3:n2=9-40>
#> Data Distribution:                                             Normal<two-armed>
#> Observed number of stages:                                                     2
#> Observed n1 (group 1)                                                         28
#> Observed n1 (group 2)                                                         28
#> Observed n1 (total)                                                           56
#> Z1                                                                          1.75
#> Interim decision:                                       continue to second stage
#> Calculated n2(Z1) (per group)                                           23.49151
#> Calculated c2(Z1)                                                           1.14
#> Observed n2 (group 1)                                                         23
#> Observed n2 (group 2)                                                         23
#> Observed n2 (in total)                                                        46
#> Z2                                                                          2.12
#> Final test decision:                                                 reject null
#> Stage 2 results:
#>  Sample mean:                                                          0.5389012
#>  Pseudo Rao-Blackwellized:                                             0.3632916
#>  Median unbiased (LR test ordering):                                   0.5069941
#>  Bias reduced MLE (iterations=1):                                      0.5253942
#>  SWCF ordering CI:                                       [0.06264641, 0.7429735]
#>  LR test ordering CI:                                       [0.2509094, 0.81829]
#>  SWCF ordering p-value:                                               0.01097483
#>  LR test ordering p-value:                                          6.653031e-05

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