Creating ADBCVA


This article describes creating an ADBCVA ADaM with Best-Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) data for ophthalmology endpoints. It is to be used in conjunction with the article on creating a BDS dataset from SDTM. As such, derivations and processes that are not specific to ADBCVA are absent, and the user is invited to consult the aforementioned article for guidance.

Note: All examples assume CDISC SDTM and/or ADaM format as input unless otherwise specified.

Dataset Contents

As the name ADBCVA implies, {admiralophtha} suggests to populate ADBCVA solely with BCVA records from the OE SDTM.

Required Packages

The examples of this vignette require the following packages.


Programming Workflow

Initial set up of ADBCVA

As with all BDS ADaM datasets, one should start from the OE SDTM, where only the BCVA records are of interest. For the purposes of the next two sections, we shall be using the {admiral} OE and ADSL test data. We will also require a lookup table for the mapping of parameter codes. An SBCVA and FBCVA definition expression is created first - this expression can also be stored within another (sourced) program.

Note: to simulate an ophthalmology study, we add a randomly generated STUDYEYE variable to ADSL, but in practice STUDYEYE will already have been derived using derive_var_studyeye().


# Add STUDYEYE to ADSL to simulate an ophtha dataset
adsl <- admiral_adsl %>% %>%
  mutate(STUDYEYE = sample(c("LEFT", "RIGHT"), n(), replace = TRUE)) %>%

oe <- convert_blanks_to_na(oe_ophtha) %>%

# ---- Lookup table ----
param_lookup <- tibble::tribble(
  "VACSCORE", "BEST CORRECTED VISUAL ACUITY", "OVERALL EVALUATION", "Study Eye", "SBCVA", "Study Eye Visual Acuity Score (letters)", 1, # nolint
  "VACSCORE", "BEST CORRECTED VISUAL ACUITY", "OVERALL EVALUATION", "Fellow Eye", "FBCVA", "Fellow Eye Visual Acuity Score (letters)", 2, # nolint

# SBCVA and FBCVA definition list
definition_bcva <- exprs(
  ~PARAMCD, ~condition, ~AVALCA1N, ~AVALCAT1,
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 0 & AVAL <= 3, 1000, "< 20/800",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 0 & AVAL <= 3, 1000, "< 20/800",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 4 & AVAL <= 8, 800, "20/800",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 4 & AVAL <= 8, 800, "20/800",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 9 & AVAL <= 13, 640, "20/640",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 9 & AVAL <= 13, 640, "20/640",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 14 & AVAL <= 18, 500, "20/500",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 14 & AVAL <= 18, 500, "20/500",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 19 & AVAL <= 23, 400, "20/400",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 19 & AVAL <= 23, 400, "20/400",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 24 & AVAL <= 28, 320, "20/320",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 24 & AVAL <= 28, 320, "20/320",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 29 & AVAL <= 33, 250, "20/250",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 29 & AVAL <= 33, 250, "20/250",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 34 & AVAL <= 38, 200, "20/200",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 34 & AVAL <= 38, 200, "20/200",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 39 & AVAL <= 43, 160, "20/160",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 39 & AVAL <= 43, 160, "20/160",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 44 & AVAL <= 48, 125, "20/125",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 44 & AVAL <= 48, 125, "20/125",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 49 & AVAL <= 53, 100, "20/100",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 49 & AVAL <= 53, 100, "20/100",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 54 & AVAL <= 58, 80, "20/80",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 54 & AVAL <= 58, 80, "20/80",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 59 & AVAL <= 63, 63, "20/63",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 59 & AVAL <= 63, 63, "20/63",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 64 & AVAL <= 68, 50, "20/50",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 64 & AVAL <= 68, 50, "20/50",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 69 & AVAL <= 73, 40, "20/40",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 69 & AVAL <= 73, 40, "20/40",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 74 & AVAL <= 78, 32, "20/32",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 74 & AVAL <= 78, 32, "20/32",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 79 & AVAL <= 83, 25, "20/25",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 79 & AVAL <= 83, 25, "20/25",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 84 & AVAL <= 88, 20, "20/20",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 84 & AVAL <= 88, 20, "20/20",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 89 & AVAL <= 93, 16, "20/16",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 89 & AVAL <= 93, 16, "20/16",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 94 & AVAL <= 97, 12, "20/12",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 94 & AVAL <= 97, 12, "20/12",
  "SBCVA", AVAL >= 98, 1, "> 20/12",
  "FBCVA", AVAL >= 98, 1, "> 20/12"

Following this setup, the programmer can start constructing ADBCVA. The first step is to subset OE to only BCVA parameters and merge with ADSL. This is required for two reasons: firstly, STUDYEYE is crucial in the mapping of AFEYE and PARAMCD’s. Secondly, the treatment start date (TRTSDT) is also a prerequisite for the derivation of variables such as Analysis Day (ADY).

adsl_vars <- exprs(TRTSDT, TRTEDT, TRT01A, TRT01P, STUDYEYE)

adbcva <- oe %>%
  ) %>%
    dataset_add = adsl,
    new_vars = adsl_vars,
    by_vars = get_admiral_option("subject_keys")

The next item of business is to derive AVAL, AVALU, and DTYPE. In this example, due to the small number of parameters their derivation is trivial. AFEYE is also created in this step using the function derive_var_afeye().

adbcva <- adbcva %>%
    AVALU = "letters",
    DTYPE = NA_character_
  ) %>%
  derive_var_afeye(loc_var = OELOC, lat_var = OELAT)

Moving forwards, PARAM and PARAMCD can be assigned using derive_vars_merged() from {admiral} and the lookup table param_lookup generated above.

adbcva <- adbcva %>%
    dataset_add = param_lookup,
    new_vars = exprs(PARAM, PARAMCD),
    by_vars = exprs(OETESTCD, AFEYE),
    filter_add = PARAMCD %in% c("SBCVA", "FBCVA")

Deriving LogMAR Score Parameters

Often ADBCVA datasets contain derived records for BCVA in LogMAR units. This can easily be achieved as follows using derive_param_computed(). The conversion of units is done using convert_etdrs_to_logmar(). Two separate calls are required due to the parameters being split by study and fellow eye. Once these extra parameters are added, all the records that will be in the end dataset are now present, so AVALC and day/date variables such as ADY and ADT can be derived.

adbcva <- adbcva %>%
    by_vars = c(
      exprs(VISIT, VISITNUM, OEDY, OEDTC, AFEYE, !!!adsl_vars)
    parameters = c("SBCVA"),
    set_values_to = exprs(
      AVAL = convert_etdrs_to_logmar(AVAL.SBCVA),
      PARAM = "Study Eye Visual Acuity LogMAR Score",
      DTYPE = NA_character_,
      AVALU = "LogMAR"
  ) %>%
    by_vars = c(
      exprs(VISIT, VISITNUM, OEDY, OEDTC, AFEYE, !!!adsl_vars)
    parameters = c("FBCVA"),
    set_values_to = exprs(
      AVAL = convert_etdrs_to_logmar(AVAL.FBCVA),
      PARAM = "Fellow Eye Visual Acuity LogMAR Score",
      DTYPE = NA_character_,
      AVALU = "LogMAR"
  ) %>%
  mutate(AVALC = as.character(AVAL)) %>%
    new_vars_prefix = "A",
    dtc = OEDTC,
    flag_imputation = "none"
  ) %>%
  derive_vars_dy(reference_date = TRTSDT, source_vars = exprs(ADT))

Importantly, the above calls to derive_param_computed() list the SDTM variables VISIT, VISITNUM, OEDY and OEDTC as by_vars for the function. This is because they will be necessary to derive ADaM variables such as AVISIT and ADY in successive steps. Once all the ADaM variables which require them are derived, the SDTM variables should be set to missing for the derived records, as per ADaM standards:

adbcva <- adbcva %>%
    VISIT = ifelse(PARAMCD %in% c("SBCVALOG", "FBCVALOG"), NA_character_, VISIT),
    OEDY = ifelse(PARAMCD %in% c("SBCVALOG", "FBCVALOG"), NA, OEDY),
    OEDTC = ifelse(PARAMCD %in% c("SBCVALOG", "FBCVALOG"), NA_character_, OEDTC)

Further Derivations of Standard BDS Variables

The user is invited to consult the article on creating a BDS dataset from SDTM to learn how to add standard BDS variables to ADBCVA. Henceforth, for the purposes of this article, the following sections use the ADBCVA dataset generated by the corresponding {admiralophtha} template program as a starting point.

Note: This dataset already comes with some criterion flags and analysis value categorisation variables, so for illustration purposes these are removed.


adbcva <- admiralophtha_adbcva %>%
  select(-starts_with("CRIT"), -starts_with("AVALCA"))

Deriving Analysis Value Categories for Snellen Scores

Some ophthalmology studies may desire to subdivide BCVA records according to which Snellen category they fall into (eg, 20/320, 20/100, 20/20 etc). The {admiral} AVALCAT derivation function derive_vars_cat can be used to derive AVALCA1N and AVALCAT1 based on PARAMCD and condition in the SBCVA and FBCVA definition expression.

adbcva <- adbcva %>%
    definition = definition_bcva,
    by_vars = exprs(PARAMCD)

The resulting output is shown below (limited to the first patient only):

01-701-1015 FBCVA 82 20/25 25
01-701-1015 FBCVA 77 20/32 32
01-701-1015 FBCVA 77 20/32 32
01-701-1015 FBCVA 64 20/50 50
01-701-1015 FBCVA 92 20/16 16
01-701-1015 FBCVA 41 20/160 160
01-701-1015 FBCVA 52 20/100 100
01-701-1015 FBCVA 2 < 20/800 1000
01-701-1015 FBCVA 44 20/125 125
01-701-1015 SBCVA 97 20/12 12

Deriving Criterion Flags for BCVA Change

{admiralophtha} suggests the use of criterion flag variable pairs (CRITx/CRITxFL) to program BCVA endpoints such as Avoiding a loss of x letters or Gain of y letters or Gain of between x and y letters (relative to baseline or other basetypes). The {admiral} function derive_vars_crit_flag() can be used to derive all these criterion pairs by listing the criterion number, condition such as:

and their corresponding description of the criterion. If values_yn is set to TRUE, the CRITxFL variable is assigned “Y” when the condition is true, “N” when the condition is false, and NA when the condition is NA. If not set to TRUE, CRITxFL is assigned “Y” when the condition is true and NA otherwise.

and their corresponding description of the criterion. If values_yn is set to TRUE, the CRITxFL variable is assigned "Y" when the condition is satisfied, "N" when the condition is not satisfied, and NA when there is not enough information to determine whether the condition is satisfied. If values_yn is not set to TRUE, CRITxFL is assigned "Y" when the condition is satisfied and NA otherwise.

For illustrative purposes, let’s suppose that the endpoints of interest are:

Then, the following call will implement criterion variable/flag pairs for the endpoints above. Note that call_derivation() is wrapped around the call so as to derive all the criterion variable/flag pairs in one call. The PARAMCD is filtered for "SBCVA" and "FBCVA" values in the input data set in order to select only the relevant records. The remaining records are then added back and sorted to form the full data set.

adbcva <- call_derivation(
  dataset = adbcva %>% filter(PARAMCD %in% c("SBCVA", "FBCVA")),
  derivation = derive_vars_crit_flag,
  variable_params = list(
    params(crit_nr = 1, condition = CHG >= 5 & CHG <= 10, description = "5 <= CHG <= 10"),
    params(crit_nr = 2, condition = CHG <= 25, description = "CHG <= 25"),
    params(crit_nr = 3, condition = CHG <= -5, description = "CHG <= -5"),
    params(crit_nr = 4, condition = CHG >= 15, description = "CHG >= 15"),
    params(crit_nr = 5, condition = CHG >= -10, description = "CHG >= -10")
  values_yn = TRUE
) %>%
    adbcva %>%
      filter(!PARAMCD %in% c("SBCVA", "FBCVA"))
  ) %>%

The resulting output is shown below (limited to the first patient only):

01-701-1015 FBCVA 82 5 Y 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 N CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 Y CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 77 0 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 N CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 Y CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 77 0 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 N CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 Y CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 64 -13 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 Y CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 N CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 92 15 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 N CHG <= -5 Y CHG >= 15 Y CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 41 -36 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 Y CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 N CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 52 -25 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 Y CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 N CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 2 -75 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 Y CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 N CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 FBCVA 44 -33 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 Y CHG <= 25 Y CHG <= -5 N CHG >= 15 N CHG >= -10
01-701-1015 SBCVA 97 62 N 5 <= CHG <= 10 N CHG <= 25 N CHG <= -5 Y CHG >= 15 Y CHG >= -10

Additional Notes

Example Script

ADaM Sample Code
ADBCVA ad_adbcva.R

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