Q & A / Troubleshooting / Tips

Q. How do I use a static scale or a fixed range for an axis?

#static #scale #axis


Q. How to style the frame in which the plot is made?

#CSS #style #frame

A. The syntax to use is:

device <- animate$new(width, height, attr = list(style = MY_STYLE))

where MY_STYLE can be:

Q. I heard there is a trick for developing animated plot in a code chunk of an R Markdown Document?

#trick #inline #R Markdown Document #RMD #code chunk #workflow

A. Yes, the function below is a handy trick to set up the device and render the output in a code chunk.

animate_it <- function(..., width = 600, height = 600, options = click_to_play()) {
  # Setup
  require(animate)     # 'require' is designed for use inside functions
  device <- animate$new(width, height, virtual = TRUE, 
                        attr = list(style = "border:1px solid lightgray"))
  attach(device)       # Make methods of the device available in the namespace
  pryr::f(...)()       # Main code
  rmd_animate(device, options = options)  # Embed animated plot in R Markdown Document

# Usage
  id <- new_id(1:10)
  plot(1:10, runif(10, 0, 1), id = id)
  plot(1:10, runif(10, 0, 1), id = id, transition = TRUE)

Q. Are there any tips to improve the workflow developing in the R console?

#trick #R console #workflow

A. Yes, I sometimes use the following for development in the R console.

setup <- function(width = 600, height = 600) {
  device <- animate$new(width, height, attr = list(style = "border:1px solid lightgray"))

cleanup <- function() {

# Usage 
id <- new_id(1:10)
plot(1:10, runif(10, 0, 1), id = id)
plot(1:10, runif(10, 0, 1), id = id, transition = TRUE)

Q. What does set_max_stacksize do? Why does the device need memory?

#memory #advanced usage

A. set_max_stacksize sets the cap of the internal memory of the device. Memory is needed when one wants to make an animated plot and then export it to a file. This is by default switched on, since the memory usage is generally low, and it makes more sense to have a plot ready to be exported when it is complete.

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