The BSO model

BSO works structurally differently than the other models in this package. It stochastically simulates a multitude of individuals instead of only returning a result for one representative beetle. Additionally, it requires an hourly onset to function. This is why the BSO-specific phenology function bso_phenology() exists. While it is still possible to combine the diapause and the mortality submodels with other models, this is not the case for the onset and development submodels.


# function to unify the appearance of raster plots
my_rst_plot <- function(rst) {
  plot(rst, mar = c(0.2, 0.1, 2, 5),
       axes = FALSE, box = TRUE, nr = 1,
       cex.main = 1.9, plg = list(cex = 1.8))

pheno_bso <- bso_phenology('bso', barrks_data())

BSO-specific plots

As bso_phenology() returns a more detailed result than phenology(), a few more functions are available for illustration. The stage diagram illustrates the share of the total individuals at a specific developmental stage.

station <- stations_create('station 1', 234)

bso_plot_stage_diagram(pheno_bso, station)
BSO stage diagram (the different colors represent the respective generation, generation '0' stands for the hibernating beetles)

BSO stage diagram (the different colors represent the respective generation, generation ‘0’ stands for the hibernating beetles)

The flight diagram shows the relative flight activity at a specific date.

bso_plot_flight_diagram(pheno_bso, station)
BSO flight diagram (the colors describe which generation flies to establish a new filial generation or a sister brood respectively)

BSO flight diagram (the colors describe which generation flies to establish a new filial generation or a sister brood respectively)

Standard outputs

With bso_translate_phenology() it is possible to translate the BSO-specific phenology to a form that corresponds to the output of phenology(). This makes it possible to use functions that are available to analyse phenology objects.

pheno_translated <- bso_translate_phenology(pheno_bso)

dates <- c('2015-04-15', '2015-06-15', '2015-08-15', '2015-10-15')
get_generations_rst(pheno_translated, dates) %>% my_rst_plot()
Generations calculated by BSO

Generations calculated by BSO

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