
Fixed a bug with adjusting the variance of the proposal distributions. Fixed a bug with recoding data under the “collapse” condition. When selection = true, we run 2 * burnin iterations instead of 1 * burnin in the burnin phase. This helps ensure that the Markov chain used for estimating the pseudoposterior starts with good parameter values and that proposals are properly calibrated. In rare cases, the Markov chain could get stuck before. The default setting for the burnin is also changed from 1000 to 500.


This is a minor release that adds some documentation and output bug fixes.

bgms 0.1.4

New features

Other changes

bgms 0.1.3

New features

User level changes

bgms 0.1.2

This is a minor release that adds some bug fixes.

bgms 0.1.1

This is a minor release adding some new features and fixing some minor bugs.

New features

User level changes

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