biplotEZ enhancements

1 Introduction

When enhancing a biplot, various additional features can significantly improve its interpretability and utility. Introducing alpha bags helps visualize the central region and variability within a group, providing a robust measure of data concentration. Adding confidence ellipses can illustrate the spread and correlation of data points, making the underlying structure more evident. Including the capability to add new samples and axes facilitates dynamic exploration and comparison of data sets. The option to predict samples and means allows for the projection of data points onto the biplot display, aiding in predictive analysis. Moreover, tools for reflecting or rotating the biplot display can enhance the visual representation by aligning the plot with the user’s analytical needs, offering a clearer perspective on the relationships and dimensions within the data.

2 The function alpha.bags()

An \(\alpha\)-bag encloses the \(\alpha100\%\) inner data points in a cloud of points. It is based on the concept of halfspace location depth as defined by Tukey (1975). Rousseeuw, Ruts, and Tukey (1999) generalised a boxplot to a two-dimensional bagplot where the box is replaced by a bag containing the inner \(50\%\) of the observations. Gower, Lubbe, and Roux (2011) replaces the \(50\%\)-bag contour by a general \(\alpha100\%\) contour referred to as an \(\alpha\)-bag.

When the number of samples in the biplot is larger, it becomes difficult to isolate individual observations. Often, when a grouping variable is present, the interest is not so much in the individual samples, but rather in the location and spread of the groups. In the plot below, we enclose each century’s number of sunspots by a \(95\%\)-bag where the months are used as 12 different variables for each year (sample point). Note that the legend displays the \(\alpha\)-bags while samples = FALSE is left at the default. Both can be displayed, but since the \(\alpha\)-bags’ colour defaults to the colour of the sample points, both are not necessary here.

sunspots <- matrix (sunspot.month[1:(264*12)], ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
years <- 1749:2012
rownames(sunspots) <- years
colnames(sunspots) <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                        "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
century <-paste(floor((years-1)/100)+1, ifelse (floor((years-1)/100)+1<21, "th","st"), sep = "-")
biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        axes (label.dir = "Hor", label.line = c(0.8, rep(0,10), 0.8)) |>
        alpha.bags () |> 
        legend.type(bags = TRUE)  |> plot()
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 19-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 21-st

By default one \(95\%\)-bag is constructed for each group. In general, the alpha.bags() function accepts an object of class biplot as first argument. The next argument alpha can be specified as a single value, or to construct a series of \(\alpha\)-bags for a group, alpha can be a vector argument. The argument which specifies the groups to be fitted with \(\alpha\)-bags. By default the opacity argument is set to \(0.25\), but by setting opacity = 0 removes the fill of the \(\alpha\)-bags.

biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        axes (label.dir = "Hor", label.line = c(0.8, rep(0,10), 0.8)) |>
        alpha.bags (alpha = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99), which = c(1,4), opacity = 0) |> 
        legend.type(bags = TRUE)  |> plot()
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 21-st 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 21-st 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 21-st

In the biplot above, the colours were recycled for each alpha value. To specify differential colours, we can use the col argument and similarly the lty and or lwd arguments. Since we are mostly interested in the location and overlap of the clouds of points we can remove the indivdiual samples by setting samples (which = NULL). The default colours will still be used for the \(\alpha\)-bags and we chose to specify different line types for different \(\alpha\) values. Here the opacity is set to \(0.05\) which plots a lighter shade inside the \(\alpha\)-bags.

biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        axes (label.dir = "Hor", label.line = c(0.8, rep(0,10), 0.8)) |>
        samples (which = NULL) |>
        alpha.bags (alpha = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99), lty = c(1,3,5), opacity=0.05) |> 
        legend.type(bags = TRUE, new = TRUE)  |> plot()
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 19-th 
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 21-st 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 19-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 21-st 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 19-th 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 21-st

For a completely custom combination of \(\alpha\)-bags, we do not rely on any recycling and specify each of the arguments alpha, which, col, lty, lwd as a vector. Since the calculation of halfspace location depth is very computationally intensive, a random sample of size 2500 is chosen for each group to construct the \(\alpha\)-bag. This sample size can be changed with the argument max. Setting trace = FALSE will suppress the message “Computing \(\alpha\)” -bag for groupX.”

biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        axes (label.dir = "Hor", label.line = c(0.8, rep(0,10), 0.8)) |>
        samples (which = NULL) |>
        alpha.bags (alpha = c(   0.9,   0.95,   0.99,             0.5,         0.6,     0.7), 
                    which = c(     1,      1,      2,               3,           3,      3),
                    col   = c("brown", "red", "gold",  "deepskyblue2", "steelblue3","blue"),
                    lty   = c(     1,      2,     10,               2,           2,      0),
                    lwd   = c(     1,      1,      3,               1,           2,      1),
                    opacity = 0.1) |> plot()
#> Computing 0.9 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.99 -bag for 19-th 
#> Computing 0.5 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.6 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.7 -bag for 20-th

The function alpha.bags provides the option to only plot the samples that sit outside the \(\alpha\)-bags. This is done by setting the argument outlying=TRUE. Note the which argument may be overwritten when outlying is set to TRUE. This happens in particular when which in the samples() function differs from the which in the alpha_bags() function.

biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        alpha.bags (col   = c("brown", "red", "gold","deepskyblue2"),
                    opacity = 0.1,outlying = TRUE) |> plot()
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 18-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 19-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 20-th 
#> Computing 0.95 -bag for 21-st

3 The function ellipses()

If we observe a random sample from a \(p\)-variate normal distribution with \(\bar{\mathbf{x}}\) and \(\mathbf{S}\) the usual unbaised estimates of the mean vector and covariance matrix, then

\[ (\mathbf{x} - \bar{\mathbf{x}})' \mathbf{S}^{-1} (\mathbf{x} - \bar{\mathbf{x}}) = \kappa^2 \]

traces an ellipsoid in \(p\) dimensions. For \(p=2\), choosing \(\kappa = {(\chi^{2}_{2,1-\alpha})}^{\frac{1}{2}}\) where \(\chi^{2}_{2,1-\alpha}\) denotes the \((1-\alpha)100\)-th percentage point of the \(\chi^2_2\) distribution results in an ellipse covering approximately \(100\alpha\%\) of the configuration of two-dimensional points. With default arguments df = 2 and alpha = 0.95, the value of \(\kappa\) is \(2.447747\) and the ellipse function constructs an ellipse that would enclose approximately \(95\%\) of the observations from a bivariate normal distribution. The argument kappa can be specified directly, and will take precedence over the specification of alpha. The other arguments of the ellipses() function operates identically to the corresponding arguments of the function alpha.bags(). Using \(\alpha\)-bags, rather than ellipses is recommended in general, since the construction of the ellipses are based on the underlying assumption of a random sample observed from a normal distribution.

biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        axes (label.dir = "Hor", label.line = c(0.8, rep(0,10), 0.8)) |>
        samples (which = NULL) |>
        ellipses (alpha = c(0.9, 0.95), lty = c(1,3,5), opacity = 0.1) |> 
        legend.type(ellipses = TRUE)  |> plot()
#> Computing 2.15 -ellipse for 18-th 
#> Computing 2.15 -ellipse for 19-th 
#> Computing 2.15 -ellipse for 20-th 
#> Computing 2.15 -ellipse for 21-st 
#> Computing 2.45 -ellipse for 18-th 
#> Computing 2.45 -ellipse for 19-th 
#> Computing 2.45 -ellipse for 20-th 
#> Computing 2.45 -ellipse for 21-st

biplot(sunspots, group.aes=century) |> PCA() |>
        axes (label.dir = "Hor", label.line = c(0.8, rep(0,10), 0.8)) |>
        samples (which = NULL) |>
        ellipses (kappa = 1:2, lty = c(1,3,5), opacity = 0.1) |> 
        legend.type(ellipses = TRUE) |> plot()
#> Computing 1 -ellipse for 18-th 
#> Computing 1 -ellipse for 19-th 
#> Computing 1 -ellipse for 20-th 
#> Computing 1 -ellipse for 21-st 
#> Computing 2 -ellipse for 18-th 
#> Computing 2 -ellipse for 19-th 
#> Computing 2 -ellipse for 20-th 
#> Computing 2 -ellipse for 21-st

4 The function density2D()

This is a function for constructing two-dimensional PCA biplots on top of a density plot of a two-dimensional PCA approximation of the input matrix. The R function kde2d described by Venables and Ripley (2002) and available in the package MASS is used to perform two-dimensional kernel density estimation with an axis-aligned bivariate normal kernel, evaluated on a square grid.

The function plots the density for each group (specified in the argument which) in the data. In the following case, the second group’s density is plotted with contours=TRUE. A vector of at least two components should be specified in the col argument to display the colours of the density response surface. There are cuts-1 colours interpolated between the components of the col. The default is c("green", "yellow", "red").

biplot(state.x77,group.aes = state.region,scaled = TRUE) |> PCA() |>
  density2D(which=2,col=c("white","purple","blue","cyan"),contours=TRUE) |> plot()

In this case, the vector group.aes is not specified, so all samples form under one group.

biplot(state.x77,scaled = TRUE) |> PCA() |> samples(which=NULL) |>
  density2D(which=1,col=c("white","purple","blue","cyan"),contours = TRUE,cuts = 20) |> plot()

5 The functions interpolate() with newsamples() and newaxes()

The process of interpolation is described by Gower and Hand (1996) as the process of finding the coordinates of a \(p\)-dimensional sample in the lower dimensional biplot space. For PCA we showed in section 1 in the biplotEZ vignette that the sample points are represented by \(\mathbf{G}=\mathbf{UDJ}_2\) which can be written as \(\mathbf{G}=\mathbf{UDV'VJ}_2=\mathbf{XVJ}_2\). Finding the position of a new sample \(\mathbf{x}^*:p \times 1\) make use of the same transformation so that the 2D coordinates is given by \({\mathbf{z}^*}':2 \times 1 ={\mathbf{x}^*}' \mathbf{VJ}_2\). Similarly, the position of a new variable \(\mathbf{x}^*:n \times 1\) is added using a regression method that assumes that \(\mathbf{x}^*\) is approximately a linear function \(\mathbf{x}^* = \mathbf{XV}_r\mathbf{b}_r\) with solution \(\hat{\mathbf{b}}_r :r \times 1 = (\mathbf{V}'_r\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{XV}_r)^{-1}\mathbf{V}_r\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{x}^*\).

Adding samples and variables to the plot is facilitated by the function interpolate(). Note that the samples and variables to be interpolated did not contribute to the construction of the biplot. This is the reason why Greenacre (2017) term these supplementary points or axes.

The function interpolate() accepts a matrix or data frame containing the samples and variables to be interpolated. The argument newdata containing the samples to be interpolated needs to have a similar structure to the data set sent to biplot(). If biplot() received a data frame, newdata can be either another data frame or a matrix containing the subset of numerical variables. Similarly, the argument newvariable containing the new variables to be interpolated needs to have the same number of samples in the data sent to biplot().

Suppose we construct a PCA biplot of the first \(40\) samples in the data set rock and then \(8\) new samples is to be interpolated the call will be:

biplot(rock[1:40,], scale = TRUE) |> PCA() |> 
  interpolate (newdata=rock[41:48,]) |> plot()

The function newsamples() operates similar to samples, allowing changes to the aesthetics of the interpolated new samples. There is no argument which for newsamples() since it is assumed that samples are interpolated to be represented in the biplot. All the other arguments are vectors of length similar to the number of samples in newdata. To change the colour of the interpolated samples and add labels, the following call will be used:

biplot(rock[1:40,], scale = TRUE) |> PCA() |> 
  interpolate (rock[41:48,]) |>
  newsamples (label = TRUE, label.side = "top", col = rainbow(10)) |> plot()

Suppose constructing a PCA biplot using the three variables in the rock data, and interpolating the other variable.

biplot(rock[,c(1,2,4)], scale = TRUE) |> PCA() |> 
  interpolate (newvariable =rock[,3]) |> plot()

We can change the aesthetics of the new variables with the newaxes() function which operates similarly to the axes() function.

biplot(rock[,c(1,2,4)], scale = TRUE) |> PCA() |> 
  interpolate (newvariable =rock[,3]) |> 
  newaxes(col="red",ticks = 50, = "shape") |> plot()

The function interpolate() will also work if new samples and new variables need to be interpolated at the same time. For example:

biplot(rock[1:40,c(1,2,4)], scale = TRUE) |> PCA() |> 
  interpolate (newdata=rock[41:48,c(1,2,4)],newvariable =rock[1:40,3]) |> 
  newaxes(col="red",ticks = 100, = "shape") |> plot()

Notice that newdata has the same number of variables as the data sent to biplot() and newvariable has the same number of samples as the data sent to biplot().

6 The function prediction()

To add prediction of the sample points to the biplot, the function prediction() is used.

out <- biplot(rock, scale = TRUE) |> PCA() |> 
         prediction (predict.samples = TRUE) |> plot()

In addition the predictions are computed and can be accessed with the summary.method.

#> Object of class biplot, based on 48 samples and 4 variables.
#> 4 numeric variables.
#> Sample predictions
#>         area      peri      shape        perm
#> 1   5182.518 2694.6678 0.08624348   17.426253
#> 2   7691.949 3526.4942 0.13514234   35.517473
#> 3   8318.033 3628.6997 0.16177613   99.694598
#> 4   7636.831 3630.8908 0.11725845  -34.364599
#> 5   8084.856 3781.5005 0.12570117  -32.323140
#> 6   8499.105 3765.0371 0.15484655   57.771249
#> 7   9738.891 4180.1532 0.17843607   64.357324
#> 8   8877.364 3954.7565 0.15340118   24.056153
#> 9   8718.501 3605.5323 0.19094566  190.899483
#> 10  6776.004 2972.9886 0.15153800  170.463202
#> 11  9517.287 4203.7977 0.16081144    7.756551
#> 12  8667.626 3841.4265 0.15531722   47.357938
#> 13 10542.328 4258.1501 0.21989947  176.826997
#> 14  9102.060 3644.4083 0.21051537  243.662966
#> 15  9351.922 4027.1591 0.17428339   75.571235
#> 16  8590.817 3776.8963 0.15917449   68.935190
#> 17 11002.857 4604.0870 0.20238688   70.663421
#> 18 11465.727 4562.1556 0.23817832  184.664030
#> 19 11713.492 4918.0115 0.20549573   31.397809
#> 20  9794.836 4371.1960 0.15588772  -32.950729
#> 21  7486.756 3459.7842 0.13096481   33.297702
#> 22 11970.162 4545.5777 0.27319335  292.407085
#> 23 12048.397 4816.3066 0.24117196  154.306887
#> 24  8161.391 3531.7628 0.16489230  124.063184
#> 25  6473.046 1887.1108 0.28067750  726.488443
#> 26  3937.319 1270.4047 0.20059243  581.415341
#> 27  6361.245 2198.9634 0.23068527  528.041307
#> 28  4364.754 1641.8821 0.17743170  454.331807
#> 29  5961.529 1813.4043 0.25757496  668.505918
#> 30  5419.192 1075.2405 0.32352672  980.895692
#> 31  6687.830 1728.1793 0.31639877  858.392956
#> 32  6862.484 1912.2039 0.30251759  788.205529
#> 33  5072.364 1506.6448 0.24189571  668.903853
#> 34  5330.680 1039.1725 0.32272399  984.068789
#> 35  5510.961 1842.2520 0.22437503  564.315264
#> 36  6834.394 1864.9721 0.30716675  809.483177
#> 37  3788.048 1612.7808 0.14398515  358.372419
#> 38  3912.089  510.0085 0.30315670 1007.222092
#> 39  3569.066 1564.6150 0.13637128  342.959576
#> 40  5655.233 2040.8001 0.20653151  479.977300
#> 41  4984.153  680.9452 0.34932075 1119.421832
#> 42  1341.442 -373.1439 0.25731781 1006.268880
#> 43  6519.731  738.7171 0.44107961 1386.097805
#> 44  8964.500 1961.9907 0.43213873 1169.846628
#> 45  3589.848 1128.4355 0.19749274  594.085244
#> 46  2533.721  417.0546 0.22642373  791.127217
#> 47  4876.168 1721.4564 0.19972344  508.970410
#> 48  7521.495 2660.6426 0.24273124  492.744256

The other arguments to prediction() are predict.means to also (or only) predict the group means and which to indicate which axes’ predictions are shown on the biplot. By specifying predict.samples = TRUE and/or predict.means = TRUE all samples and/or means are predicted. Alternatively either of these arguments accepts a vector indicating which samples and/or means to predict. In the example below, only the mean values of the Central and West regions are predicted.

out <- biplot(state.x77, scale = TRUE) |> PCA(group.aes = state.region, show.class.means = TRUE) |> 
         prediction (predict.means = 3:4, which = c("Income","Murder","Population")) |> plot()

#> Object of class biplot, based on 50 samples and 8 variables.
#> 8 numeric variables.
#> Class mean predictions
#>                 Income   Murder Population
#> North Central 4611.672 5.108174   3211.604
#> West          4862.927 6.865661   5268.183

7 The functions reflect() and rotate()

The function reflect() allows for the user to reflect the biplot display about the x-axis or y-axis or both. The argument reflect.axis offers the options "FALSE","x","y","xy".

Here the biplot is reflected about the x-axis.

biplot(state.x77, scale = TRUE) |> PCA(group.aes = state.division) |> reflect("x") |> plot()

Here the biplot is reflected about the y-axis.

biplot(state.x77, scale = TRUE) |> PCA(group.aes = state.division) |> reflect("y") |> plot()

The function rotate() allows for the user to rotate the biplot display by a certain value of degrees. The default is 0 and positive value results in anti-clockwise rotation and negative value in clockwise rotation. For example when rotate.degrees is set to 100 degrees, then the biplot is rotated by 100 degrees in the anticlockwise direction.

biplot(state.x77, scale = TRUE) |> PCA(group.aes = state.division) |> rotate(100) |> plot()

8 Zooming in on the biplot with zoom = TRUE in plot()

The plot() function has built-in functionality to zoom in on the plot. This is done through the locator() function which alters the xlim and ylim paramaters of the plot. The implementation opens up a new graphics window before promting the locator function. It is illustrated below:

biplot(state.x77,scaled = TRUE) |> 
  PCA() |> 
  samples(which=NULL) |>
  density2D(which=1,col=c("white","purple","blue","cyan"),contours = TRUE,cuts = 20) |> 

With the final plot then rendered as:

9 The function translate_axes()

This function implements the same algorithm as the TDAbiplot() in the bipl5 package. It allows to translate the axes out of the plot center to the boundary using orthogonal parallel translation. The axes can be translated manually by setting the distance in the distance argument.

biplot(state.x77,scaled=TRUE) |> 
  PCA() |>
  translate_axes(delta = 0.02) |>

Gower, J. C., and D. J. Hand. 1996. Biplots. Chapman & Hall.
Gower, J. C., S. Lubbe, and N. J. le Roux. 2011. Understanding Biplots. Wiley.
Greenacre, M. J. 2017. Correspondence Analysis in Practice. CRC press.
Rousseeuw, P. J, I Ruts, and J. W. Tukey. 1999. “The Bagplot: A Bivaraite Boxplot.” American Statistician, 382–87.
Tukey, J. W. 1975. “Mathematics and the Picturing of Data.” Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 523–31.
Venables, W. N., and B. D Ripley. 2002. Modern Applied Statistics with s (4th Edition). New York: Springer.

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