All functions callable from R must return a SEXP
, and
only take arguments which are of type SEXP
(or just
if there are no arguments).
type is an S-Expression
. Every
value in R is an SEXP
, and there is information stored
within the type to indicate what data is stored within it.
macro and type2char()
within C will be useful to identify what sort of data is in the
The full list of SEXP
types are in Rinternals.h
#define NILSXP 0 /* nil = NULL */
#define SYMSXP 1 /* symbols */
#define LISTSXP 2 /* lists of dotted pairs */
#define CLOSXP 3 /* closures */
#define ENVSXP 4 /* environments */
#define PROMSXP 5 /* promises: [un]evaluated closure arguments */
#define LANGSXP 6 /* language constructs (special lists) */
#define SPECIALSXP 7 /* special forms */
#define BUILTINSXP 8 /* builtin non-special forms */
#define CHARSXP 9 /* "scalar" string type (internal only)*/
#define LGLSXP 10 /* logical vectors */
/* 11 and 12 were factors and ordered factors in the 1990s */
#define INTSXP 13 /* integer vectors */
#define REALSXP 14 /* real variables */
#define CPLXSXP 15 /* complex variables */
#define STRSXP 16 /* string vectors */
#define DOTSXP 17 /* dot-dot-dot object */
#define ANYSXP 18 /* make "any" args work.
Used in specifying types for symbol
registration to mean anything is okay */
#define VECSXP 19 /* generic vectors */
#define EXPRSXP 20 /* expressions vectors */
#define BCODESXP 21 /* byte code */
#define EXTPTRSXP 22 /* external pointer */
#define WEAKREFSXP 23 /* weak reference */
#define RAWSXP 24 /* raw bytes */
#define OBJSXP 25 /* object, non-vector */
#define S4SXP 25 /* same as OBJSXP, retained for back compatability */
/* used for detecting PROTECT issues in memory.c */
#define NEWSXP 30 /* fresh node created in new page */
#define FREESXP 31 /* node released by GC */
#define FUNSXP 99 /* Closure or Builtin or Special */
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
SEXP what_sexp_is_this(SEXP x) {
Rprintf("SEXPTYPE: %i = %s\n", TYPEOF(x), type2char(TYPEOF(x)));
return R_NilValue;
#> SEXPTYPE: 13 = integer
#> SEXPTYPE: 10 = logical
what_sexp_is_this(c(1.1, 2.2))
#> SEXPTYPE: 14 = double
what_sexp_is_this(list(1, 2, 3))
#> SEXPTYPE: 19 = list
#> SEXPTYPE: 16 = character
#> SEXPTYPE: 19 = list
#> SEXPTYPE: 3 = closure
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