Real-world example: biomarker assessment and prediction model evaluation

The goal of is this vignette is to illustrate the cases functionality by means of a real-world example focused on biomarker assessment and prediction model evaluation.


Load the package:

## load packages:
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loaded glmnet 4.1-4


We utilize the breast cancer wisconsin (diagnostic) data set.

data <- data_wdbc
#> [1] 569  31

#>   0   1 
#> 357 212

## Missing values?
colSums( # -> no missing values
#>              diagnosis            radius_mean           texture_mean 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>         perimeter_mean              area_mean        smoothness_mean 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>       compactness_mean         concavity_mean    concave_points_mean 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>          symmetry_mean fractal_dimension_mean              radius_sd 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>             texture_sd           perimeter_sd                area_sd 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>          smoothness_sd         compactness_sd           concavity_sd 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>      concave_points_sd            symmetry_sd   fractal_dimension_sd 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>            radius_peak           texture_peak         perimeter_peak 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>              area_peak        smoothness_peak       compactness_peak 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#>         concavity_peak    concave_points_peak          symmetry_peak 
#>                      0                      0                      0 
#> fractal_dimension_peak 
#>                      0
#>  diagnosis  radius_mean      texture_mean   perimeter_mean     area_mean     
#>  0:357     Min.   : 6.981   Min.   : 9.71   Min.   : 43.79   Min.   : 143.5  
#>  1:212     1st Qu.:11.700   1st Qu.:16.17   1st Qu.: 75.17   1st Qu.: 420.3  
#>            Median :13.370   Median :18.84   Median : 86.24   Median : 551.1  
#>            Mean   :14.127   Mean   :19.29   Mean   : 91.97   Mean   : 654.9  
#>            3rd Qu.:15.780   3rd Qu.:21.80   3rd Qu.:104.10   3rd Qu.: 782.7  
#>            Max.   :28.110   Max.   :39.28   Max.   :188.50   Max.   :2501.0  
#>  smoothness_mean   compactness_mean  concavity_mean    concave_points_mean
#>  Min.   :0.05263   Min.   :0.01938   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000    
#>  1st Qu.:0.08637   1st Qu.:0.06492   1st Qu.:0.02956   1st Qu.:0.02031    
#>  Median :0.09587   Median :0.09263   Median :0.06154   Median :0.03350    
#>  Mean   :0.09636   Mean   :0.10434   Mean   :0.08880   Mean   :0.04892    
#>  3rd Qu.:0.10530   3rd Qu.:0.13040   3rd Qu.:0.13070   3rd Qu.:0.07400    
#>  Max.   :0.16340   Max.   :0.34540   Max.   :0.42680   Max.   :0.20120    
#>  symmetry_mean    fractal_dimension_mean   radius_sd        texture_sd    
#>  Min.   :0.1060   Min.   :0.04996        Min.   :0.1115   Min.   :0.3602  
#>  1st Qu.:0.1619   1st Qu.:0.05770        1st Qu.:0.2324   1st Qu.:0.8339  
#>  Median :0.1792   Median :0.06154        Median :0.3242   Median :1.1080  
#>  Mean   :0.1812   Mean   :0.06280        Mean   :0.4052   Mean   :1.2169  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.1957   3rd Qu.:0.06612        3rd Qu.:0.4789   3rd Qu.:1.4740  
#>  Max.   :0.3040   Max.   :0.09744        Max.   :2.8730   Max.   :4.8850  
#>   perimeter_sd       area_sd        smoothness_sd      compactness_sd    
#>  Min.   : 0.757   Min.   :  6.802   Min.   :0.001713   Min.   :0.002252  
#>  1st Qu.: 1.606   1st Qu.: 17.850   1st Qu.:0.005169   1st Qu.:0.013080  
#>  Median : 2.287   Median : 24.530   Median :0.006380   Median :0.020450  
#>  Mean   : 2.866   Mean   : 40.337   Mean   :0.007041   Mean   :0.025478  
#>  3rd Qu.: 3.357   3rd Qu.: 45.190   3rd Qu.:0.008146   3rd Qu.:0.032450  
#>  Max.   :21.980   Max.   :542.200   Max.   :0.031130   Max.   :0.135400  
#>   concavity_sd     concave_points_sd   symmetry_sd       fractal_dimension_sd
#>  Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.000000   Min.   :0.007882   Min.   :0.0008948   
#>  1st Qu.:0.01509   1st Qu.:0.007638   1st Qu.:0.015160   1st Qu.:0.0022480   
#>  Median :0.02589   Median :0.010930   Median :0.018730   Median :0.0031870   
#>  Mean   :0.03189   Mean   :0.011796   Mean   :0.020542   Mean   :0.0037949   
#>  3rd Qu.:0.04205   3rd Qu.:0.014710   3rd Qu.:0.023480   3rd Qu.:0.0045580   
#>  Max.   :0.39600   Max.   :0.052790   Max.   :0.078950   Max.   :0.0298400   
#>   radius_peak     texture_peak   perimeter_peak     area_peak     
#>  Min.   : 7.93   Min.   :12.02   Min.   : 50.41   Min.   : 185.2  
#>  1st Qu.:13.01   1st Qu.:21.08   1st Qu.: 84.11   1st Qu.: 515.3  
#>  Median :14.97   Median :25.41   Median : 97.66   Median : 686.5  
#>  Mean   :16.27   Mean   :25.68   Mean   :107.26   Mean   : 880.6  
#>  3rd Qu.:18.79   3rd Qu.:29.72   3rd Qu.:125.40   3rd Qu.:1084.0  
#>  Max.   :36.04   Max.   :49.54   Max.   :251.20   Max.   :4254.0  
#>  smoothness_peak   compactness_peak  concavity_peak   concave_points_peak
#>  Min.   :0.07117   Min.   :0.02729   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00000    
#>  1st Qu.:0.11660   1st Qu.:0.14720   1st Qu.:0.1145   1st Qu.:0.06493    
#>  Median :0.13130   Median :0.21190   Median :0.2267   Median :0.09993    
#>  Mean   :0.13237   Mean   :0.25427   Mean   :0.2722   Mean   :0.11461    
#>  3rd Qu.:0.14600   3rd Qu.:0.33910   3rd Qu.:0.3829   3rd Qu.:0.16140    
#>  Max.   :0.22260   Max.   :1.05800   Max.   :1.2520   Max.   :0.29100    
#>  symmetry_peak    fractal_dimension_peak
#>  Min.   :0.1565   Min.   :0.05504       
#>  1st Qu.:0.2504   1st Qu.:0.07146       
#>  Median :0.2822   Median :0.08004       
#>  Mean   :0.2901   Mean   :0.08395       
#>  3rd Qu.:0.3179   3rd Qu.:0.09208       
#>  Max.   :0.6638   Max.   :0.20750
## define minimal acceptable criteria for specificity, sensitivity:
sp0 <- 0.7
se0 <- 0.9
benchmark <- c(sp0, se0)

Scenario A: Biomarker assessment

pr <- seq(0,1, 0.1) 

quantile(data$area_peak, pr) # 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 ---> area
#>      0%     10%     20%     30%     40%     50%     60%     70%     80%     90% 
#>  185.20  384.72  475.98  544.14  599.70  686.50  781.18  926.96 1269.00 1673.00 
#>    100% 
#> 4254.00
quantile(data$compactness_peak, pr) # 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30 ---> compactness (perimeter^2 / area - 1.0)
#>       0%      10%      20%      30%      40%      50%      60%      70% 
#> 0.027290 0.093676 0.125660 0.161400 0.184620 0.211900 0.251400 0.303960 
#>      80%      90%     100% 
#> 0.367060 0.447840 1.058000
quantile(data$concavity_peak, pr) # 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30 ---> concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour)
#>       0%      10%      20%      30%      40%      50%      60%      70% 
#> 0.000000 0.045652 0.091974 0.136880 0.177180 0.226700 0.286600 0.349920 
#>      80%      90%     100% 
#> 0.419540 0.571320 1.252000
cc <- c(500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 
        0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30,
        0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30) 
comp_bm <- data %>% 
  dplyr::select(area_peak, compactness_peak, concavity_peak) %>% 
  cases::categorize(cc, rep(1:3, each=5)) %>% 
  cases::compare(labels = as.numeric(as.character(data$diagnosis)))

results_bm <- cases::evaluate(comp_bm, benchmark = benchmark,
                              alternative = "greater", alpha = 0.025,
                              adj="boot", regu=1) 
#> Drawing 2000 'pairs' bootstrap samples...
#> [cases] evaluation results:
#> $specificity
#>                parameter hypothesis estimate  lower upper  pval pval_all reject
#> 1          area_peak_500     <= 0.7   0.3645 0.2911   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 2          area_peak_600     <= 0.7   0.6243 0.5505   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 3          area_peak_700     <= 0.7   0.8059 0.7456   Inf 0.000   0.0010   TRUE
#> 4          area_peak_800     <= 0.7   0.9064 0.8620   Inf 0.000   1.0000   TRUE
#> 5          area_peak_900     <= 0.7   0.9763 0.9530   Inf 0.000   1.0000   TRUE
#> 6   compactness_peak_0.1     <= 0.7   0.1913 0.1314   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 7  compactness_peak_0.15     <= 0.7   0.3980 0.3234   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 8   compactness_peak_0.2     <= 0.7   0.6466 0.5738   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 9  compactness_peak_0.25     <= 0.7   0.7975 0.7362   Inf 0.001   1.0000   TRUE
#> 10  compactness_peak_0.3     <= 0.7   0.8925 0.8452   Inf 0.000   1.0000   TRUE
#> 11    concavity_peak_0.1     <= 0.7   0.3422 0.2698   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 12   concavity_peak_0.15     <= 0.7   0.5321 0.4560   Inf 1.000   1.0000  FALSE
#> 13    concavity_peak_0.2     <= 0.7   0.7221 0.6538   Inf 0.798   0.7980  FALSE
#> 14   concavity_peak_0.25     <= 0.7   0.8059 0.7456   Inf 0.000   0.9855   TRUE
#> 15    concavity_peak_0.3     <= 0.7   0.8673 0.8156   Inf 0.000   1.0000   TRUE
#>    reject_all
#> 1       FALSE
#> 2       FALSE
#> 3        TRUE
#> 4       FALSE
#> 5       FALSE
#> 6       FALSE
#> 7       FALSE
#> 8       FALSE
#> 9       FALSE
#> 10      FALSE
#> 11      FALSE
#> 12      FALSE
#> 13      FALSE
#> 14      FALSE
#> 15      FALSE
#> $sensitivity
#>                parameter hypothesis estimate  lower upper   pval pval_all
#> 1          area_peak_500     <= 0.9   0.9977 0.9881   Inf 0.0000   1.0000
#> 2          area_peak_600     <= 0.9   0.9742 0.9429   Inf 0.0000   1.0000
#> 3          area_peak_700     <= 0.9   0.9601 0.9214   Inf 0.0010   0.0010
#> 4          area_peak_800     <= 0.9   0.8850 0.8220   Inf 1.0000   1.0000
#> 5          area_peak_900     <= 0.9   0.8052 0.7269   Inf 1.0000   1.0000
#> 6   compactness_peak_0.1     <= 0.9   0.9836 0.9585   Inf 0.0000   1.0000
#> 7  compactness_peak_0.15     <= 0.9   0.9648 0.9284   Inf 0.0000   1.0000
#> 8   compactness_peak_0.2     <= 0.9   0.8756 0.8104   Inf 1.0000   1.0000
#> 9  compactness_peak_0.25     <= 0.9   0.7441 0.6580   Inf 1.0000   1.0000
#> 10  compactness_peak_0.3     <= 0.9   0.6362 0.5411   Inf 1.0000   1.0000
#> 11    concavity_peak_0.1     <= 0.9   0.9883 0.9670   Inf 0.0000   1.0000
#> 12   concavity_peak_0.15     <= 0.9   0.9789 0.9505   Inf 0.0000   1.0000
#> 13    concavity_peak_0.2     <= 0.9   0.9695 0.9355   Inf 0.0000   0.7980
#> 14   concavity_peak_0.25     <= 0.9   0.9038 0.8455   Inf 0.9855   0.9855
#> 15    concavity_peak_0.3     <= 0.9   0.8052 0.7269   Inf 1.0000   1.0000
#>    reject reject_all
#> 1    TRUE      FALSE
#> 2    TRUE      FALSE
#> 3    TRUE       TRUE
#> 4   FALSE      FALSE
#> 5   FALSE      FALSE
#> 6    TRUE      FALSE
#> 7    TRUE      FALSE
#> 8   FALSE      FALSE
#> 9   FALSE      FALSE
#> 10  FALSE      FALSE
#> 11   TRUE      FALSE
#> 12   TRUE      FALSE
#> 13   TRUE      FALSE
#> 14  FALSE      FALSE
#> 15  FALSE      FALSE

Scenario B: Prediction model evaluation

## data splitting:
split <- stratified(data, c('diagnosis'), 1/3, bothSets = TRUE)
val <- split[[1]] %>%
trn <- split[[2]] %>%
#> [1] 379  31
#> [1] 190  31
#>   0   1 
#> 119  71
## train example model
mod <- glmnet(x=trn[,-1], y=trn[,1], family="binomial", alpha=0.25)
str(mod, 0)
#> List of 13
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "lognet" "glmnet"

## define hyperparameter values for L1/L2 penalty mixing parameter (alpha):
aa <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)

## train models and create predictions:
pred_pm <- sapply(aa, function(alpha){
  mod_pm <- cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(trn[,-1]), y=trn[,1],
                      family = "binomial",
                      type.measure = "class",
                      alpha = alpha)
  message(paste0("cv.glmnet (alpha = ", alpha, "):"))
  predict(mod_pm, as.matrix(val[,-1]), type="response")
#> cv.glmnet (alpha = 0):
#> Call:  cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(trn[, -1]), y = trn[, 1], type.measure = "class",      family = "binomial", alpha = alpha) 
#> Measure: Misclassification Error 
#>      Lambda Index Measure       SE Nonzero
#> min 0.03847   100 0.01847 0.006853      30
#> 1se 0.04634    98 0.02375 0.008289      30
#> +++++
#> cv.glmnet (alpha = 0.25):
#> Call:  cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(trn[, -1]), y = trn[, 1], type.measure = "class",      family = "binomial", alpha = alpha) 
#> Measure: Misclassification Error 
#>       Lambda Index Measure       SE Nonzero
#> min 0.004383    64 0.01055 0.004299      27
#> 1se 0.012195    53 0.01319 0.005888      23
#> +++++
#> cv.glmnet (alpha = 0.5):
#> Call:  cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(trn[, -1]), y = trn[, 1], type.measure = "class",      family = "binomial", alpha = alpha) 
#> Measure: Misclassification Error 
#>       Lambda Index Measure       SE Nonzero
#> min 0.004612    56 0.01055 0.008061      22
#> 1se 0.012834    45 0.01847 0.008869      19
#> +++++
#> cv.glmnet (alpha = 0.75):
#> Call:  cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(trn[, -1]), y = trn[, 1], type.measure = "class",      family = "binomial", alpha = alpha) 
#> Measure: Misclassification Error 
#>       Lambda Index  Measure       SE Nonzero
#> min 0.002802    57 0.007916 0.004023      19
#> 1se 0.009391    44 0.010554 0.005824      18
#> +++++
#> cv.glmnet (alpha = 1):
#> Call:  cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(trn[, -1]), y = trn[, 1], type.measure = "class",      family = "binomial", alpha = alpha) 
#> Measure: Misclassification Error 
#>       Lambda Index Measure       SE Nonzero
#> min 0.003672    51 0.01319 0.005888      13
#> 1se 0.005328    47 0.01847 0.008822      11
#> +++++
colnames(pred_pm) <- paste0("en", aa*100)
#>            en0      en25      en50      en75     en100
#> [1,] 0.9747700 0.9961507 0.9938921 0.9964515 0.9992168
#> [2,] 0.9996722 0.9999897 0.9999674 0.9999877 0.9999995
#> [3,] 0.9142164 0.9763833 0.9698399 0.9816259 0.9949924
#> [4,] 0.9955105 0.9995248 0.9991571 0.9995259 0.9999234
#> [5,] 0.9559590 0.9885991 0.9807955 0.9856935 0.9949629
#> [6,] 0.7573470 0.7981572 0.7785671 0.7485468 0.6770751
## define cutpoints (probability scale):
cc <- rep(seq(0.1, 0.5, 0.1), 5)
mm <- rep(1:5, each=5)

## create predictions: 
comp_pm <- pred_pm %>% 
  cases::categorize(cc, mm) %>% 
  cases::compare(labels = as.numeric(as.character(val$diagnosis)))
str(comp_pm, 1)
#> List of 2
#>  $ specificity:'data.frame': 119 obs. of  25 variables:
#>  $ sensitivity:'data.frame': 71 obs. of  25 variables:
## conduct statistical analysis:
results_pm <- cases::evaluate(comp_pm, benchmark = benchmark,
                              alternative = "greater", alpha = 0.025,
                              adj="boot", regu=1) 
#> Drawing 2000 'pairs' bootstrap samples...
str(results_pm, 1)
#> List of 2
#>  $ specificity:'data.frame': 25 obs. of  9 variables:
#>  $ sensitivity:'data.frame': 25 obs. of  9 variables:
#>  - attr(*, "n")= Named int [1:2] 119 71
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "specificity" "sensitivity"
#>  - attr(*, "m")= int 25
#>  - attr(*, "alpha")= num 0.025
#>  - attr(*, "alpha_adj")= logi NA
#>  - attr(*, "cv")= num [1:2] -3.65 Inf
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "list" "cases_results"
#>  - attr(*, "contrast")= chr [1:2] "raw" NA
#>  - attr(*, "benchmark")= num [1:2] 0.7 0.9
#>  - attr(*, "alternative")= chr "greater"
#>  - attr(*, "analysis")= chr "co-primary"
#>  - attr(*, "transformation")= chr "none"
#>  - attr(*, "regu")= num [1:3] 1 0.5 0.25
#>  - attr(*, "pars")= list()
results_pm %>% lapply(filter, reject_all) 
#> $specificity
#>   parameter hypothesis  estimate     lower upper   pval pval_all reject
#> 1  en25_0.1     <= 0.7 0.8541667 0.7371061   Inf 0.0095   0.0095   TRUE
#> 2  en50_0.1     <= 0.7 0.8541667 0.7371061   Inf 0.0095   0.0095   TRUE
#> 3  en75_0.1     <= 0.7 0.8708333 0.7595952   Inf 0.0045   0.0045   TRUE
#> 4 en100_0.1     <= 0.7 0.8875000 0.7826976   Inf 0.0040   0.0095   TRUE
#>   reject_all
#> 1       TRUE
#> 2       TRUE
#> 3       TRUE
#> 4       TRUE
#> $sensitivity
#>   parameter hypothesis  estimate     lower upper   pval pval_all reject
#> 1  en25_0.1     <= 0.9 0.9791667 0.9181779   Inf 0.0095   0.0095   TRUE
#> 2  en50_0.1     <= 0.9 0.9930556 0.9575948   Inf 0.0000   0.0095   TRUE
#> 3  en75_0.1     <= 0.9 0.9930556 0.9575948   Inf 0.0000   0.0045   TRUE
#> 4 en100_0.1     <= 0.9 0.9791667 0.9181779   Inf 0.0095   0.0095   TRUE
#>   reject_all
#> 1       TRUE
#> 2       TRUE
#> 3       TRUE
#> 4       TRUE


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