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cepumd cepumd website

The purpose of cepumd is to make working with Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) Public-Use Microdata (PUMD) easier toward calculating mean, weighted, annual expenditures (henceforth “mean expenditures”). The challenges cepumd seeks to address deal primarily with pulling together the necessary data toward this end. Some of the overarching ideas underlying the package are as follows:

Challenges addressed by cepumd

cepumd seeks to address challenges in three categories: data gathering/organization; managing data inconsistencies; and calculating weighted, annual metrics.


Install the production version with install.packages("cepumd")

You can install the development version of cepumd from GitHub, but you’ll first need the devtools package:

if (!"devtools" %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]) {
  install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)


Key cepumd functions

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