
Climate Data Monthly Germany

The R data package “clidamonger” is based on the data tables of the Excel workbook “Gradtagzahlen-Deutschland.xlsx” (published and updated twice a year by the “Institut Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH” in Germany). The dataframes derived from the workbook tables are usable for heating and cooling calculations (external temperature, heating / cooling days, solar radiation).

The version 1.3.0 includes DWD climate data from January 1991 to December 2024. The next update is planned for June 2025.

The package consists of the following dataframes:

A description of the method can be found in

Loga, Tobias & Großklos, Marc & Landgraf, Katrin. (2020). Klimadaten für die Realbilanzierung - Grundlagen des Tools „Gradtagzahlen-Deutschland.xlsx“ - MOBASY-Teilbericht. 10.13140/RG.2.2.25695.28324.

Data sources

The tabled values have been calculated by IWU - Institut Wohnen und Umwelt by use of the following data sources:

Source of the temperature data: DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst

CDC (Climate Data Center) DE

Source of the solar radiation data: DWD - Deutsche Wetterdienst |

EUMETSAT / Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF)


Install the latest published release from CRAN:


Install the latest Master branch of “clidamonger” using the R “devtools”-package:

# install.packages(devtools)





Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Explanation of the quantities (indications in the data field “Code_Quantity”)

"TA" - External air temperature

    External air temperatures, measured by weather stations
    Monthly averages of daily values in °C
    Averaged for days if value is equal or below the mentioned base temperature (heating days*).
    Listed by weather station of the German weather service DWD (including geographical coordinates)


"HD" - Heating days

    Heating days by base temperature, measured in Germany
    Monthly values in days
    Number of days, during which the average external air temperature*  is equal or below the mentioned base temperature.
    Listed by weather station of the German weather service DWD (including geographical coordinates)


"CD" - Cooling days

    Cooling days by base temperature, measured in Germany
    Monthly values in days
    Number of days, during which the average external air temperature*  is equal or above the mentioned base temperature.
    Listed by weather station of the German weather service DWD (including geographical coordinates)


"I_Hor" - Shortwave radiation on horizontal surfaces

    SIS - Surface incoming shortwave radiation
    Monthly averages in W/m²
    Listed by geographical coordinates for Germany (latitude and longitude distances 0.02°)

Further quantities


Explanation of the data types (indications in the data field “Code_DataType”) Code “STD” “MET”

Data analyses / error handling during compilation

Table “Data.TA.HD”

Monthly values determined on the basis of daily data published by DWD (average, summation)

Handling of missing daily temperatures:

Missing values are indicated by the completeness indicator (code “CT”, value range 0.0 … 1.0): count of temperature values divided by count of days for a given month

Table “Data.Sol”

Monthly values published by CM SAF (see above) Handling of missing values: Cells are empty

IWU 2025-01-31

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