Execute Command Line Programs Interactively

R-CMD-check CRAN_Status_Badge

Github: https://github.com/RTagBot/cliff

Documentation: https://rtagbot.github.io/cliff

Execute command line programs and format results for interactive use. It is based on the package ‘processx’ so it does not use shell to start up the process like system() and system2(). It also provides a simpler and cleaner interface than processx::run().


You can install the released version of cliff from CRAN with:

# (not yet released)

And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


git <- function(...) cliff::run("git", ...)

git("log", git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"), "-n1")
## commit e5e82396ed5572e402d518ac7f81b94999f02136
## Author: Randy Lai <randy.cs.lai@gmail.com>
## Date:   Wed Oct 27 23:54:47 2021 -0700
##     improve error formating

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