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LKI is the air quality index used by the Netherlands. The index summarises data on air quality. Each substance concentration is converted into a number from 1 (little pollution) to 11 (a lot of pollution). The substance with the hight index value determines to whole air quality index. If all substances have the same index value, the total index value will be one point higher.

This index was created on the basis of scientific studies of the health effects of air pollution. From these studies it can be deduced at what concentrations a certain percentage of the population can be affected. For more information see:


You can install the released version of con2lki from CRAN with:



This is a basic example:

library(dplyr, quietly = T, warn = F)

df <- data.frame(
   no2  = c(15, 30, 100,  1, 201),
   o3   = c(35, 20,  58,  0, 201),
   pm10 = c(4,  30, 101,  0, 101),
   pm25 = c(45, 40,  99,  2, 110)

df %>% mutate(
   lki = con2lki(no2, pm25, pm10, o3)
#>   no2  o3 pm10 pm25 lki
#> 1  15  35    4   45   6
#> 2  30  20   30   40   6
#> 3 100  58  101   99   9
#> 4   1   0    0    2   2
#> 5 201 201  101  110  11

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