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container provides an enhanced version of base R’s list with a carefully designed set of extract, replace, and remove operations that make it easier and safer to work with list-like data structures.

Why container?

In addition, this package provides specialized data structures Deque, Set and Dict and a special class dict.table, designed to extend data.table by container operations to safely Manage data columns with dict.table.


# Install release version from CRAN

# Install development version from GitHub


co <- container(colors = c("Red", "Green"), numbers = c(1, 2, 3), data = cars)
# [colors = ("Red" "Green"), numbers = (1 2 3), data = <<data.frame(50x2)>>]

Safe extract

at(co, "colours")   # oops
# Error: index 'colours' not found

at(co, "colors")
# [colors = ("Red" "Green")]

Safe remove

co <- delete_at(co, "colours")   # oops
# Error: names(s) not found: 'colours'

co <- delete_at(co, "colors")
# [numbers = (1 2 3), data = <<data.frame(50x2)>>]

Flexible peek

at(co, "colors")   # oops
# Error: index 'colors' not found

peek_at(co, "colors")
# []

peek_at(co, "colors", .default = c("black", "white"))
# [colors = ("black" "white")]

Safe replace

co <- replace_at(co, num = 1:10)   # oops
# Error: names(s) not found: 'num'

co <- replace_at(co, numbers = 1:10)
# [numbers = (1L 2L 3L 4L ...), data = <<data.frame(50x2)>>]

Getting Started

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