countries 1.2.1
- Fixed bug preventing connection to the countries REST API.
countries 1.2.0
- Added function check_countries_api to check whether
connection to Countries REST API is working.
- Updated country reference table to improve matching of former
Yugoslavian countries.
- Improved messages provided by country_name and
match_table and added argument na_fill to replace
potential NAs with the original country name.
- Updated vignettes
countries 1.1.2
- Improving handling of API connection errors in function
country_info and list_fields
- Fixing bug in quick_map occurring when plot_col is
identical to one of the columns in the table
countries 1.1.1
- Added function list_countries to obtain a list of
- Added function random_countries to obtain random country
- Corrected small nomenclature mistake in the country reference
- Added two new palettes to palettes_countries
- Updated vignettes
countries 1.0.5
- Patch to address change in behaviour of function
countries 1.0.4
- Fixed bug in auto_merge that was preventing column names to
be passed in by order for regular expressions.
countries 1.0.3
- Fixed hyperlinks in for resubmission
- Eliminated references to unexported objects in documentation
- Package accepted on CRAN!!
countries 1.0
countries 0.3
- Added function country_info() to download information about
countries (e.g. capital city, currency, neighbouring countries,
- Added function list_fields() returning a list of accepted
fields for country_info()
- Added function auto_merge() to quickly join multiple
dataset and automatically deal with country names and time columns
- Added function auto_melt() to automatically pivot tables
containing country names and years in their headers
- Added function quick_map() to easily plot coloured country
- Added function palettes_countries() providing access to the
package’s colour themes
- Added vignette on plotting chloropleth maps with quick_map
and merging country data with auto_merge()
- Bug fixes
countries 0.2
- Added function is_country() to test whether a string is a
country name or related to list of countries names
- Added function is_date() to test whether values are
- Added function is_keycol() to test whether a set of columns
could be the keys of a table
- Added function find_countrycol() to automate search of
columns containing country names in data frames
- Added function find_timecol() to automate search of date
and/or year columns in data frames
- Added function find_keycol() to automate search of table
keys in data frames
- Added functions which_min(), which_max() and
which_mode() returning all the positions of vector’s minimum,
maximum and mode values.
- Speed improvements for the functions country_name() and
- Bug fixes
- Added vignette on data structure
countries 0.1
- Function country_name() for converting and translating
country names based on a fuzzy matching approach
- Function match_table() to easily construct conversion
tables with the help of fuzzy matching algorithm
- Function Mode() returns the statistical mode of a vectors
(most frequent observation)
- Dataset country_reference_list containing a country names
in different languages and naming conventions
- Added vignettes and documentation
- Created website for the package
mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.