Population (Norway)

Populations are available in csdata::nor_population_by_age_cats().

pd <- csdata::nor_population_by_age_cats()[granularity_geo %in% "nation" & calyear>=1990]

q <- ggplot(pd, aes(x=calyear, y = pop_jan1_n))
q <- q + geom_line()
q <- q + geom_point(mapping = aes(color = imputed))
q <- q + scale_x_continuous("Calendar year (calyear)")
q <- q + scale_y_continuous("Population as of Jan 1 (pop_jan1_n)")
q <- q + scale_color_discrete("Imputed")
q <- q + labs(title = "Norway (nation_nor)")

Here we list as a reference table the valid populations as of January 1st (pop_jan1_n).

Reference table of calyear and pop_jan1_n (nation and georegion)
Norge-Noreg-Norway Nord-Norge-Davvi-Norggas Trøndelag-Trööndelage Vestlandet Agder Østlandet-Austlandet
2005 4.606.363 443.484 404.688 1.177.947 264.872 2.290.302
2006 4.640.219 443.514 407.724 1.198.270 266.401 2.310.296
2007 4.681.134 442.950 411.519 1.209.253 268.461 2.334.412
2008 4.737.171 442.916 416.539 1.224.684 272.074 2.365.785
2009 4.799.252 444.309 421.114 1.241.760 275.592 2.400.614
2010 4.858.199 446.386 425.765 1.259.760 278.876 2.430.738
2011 4.920.305 448.865 429.886 1.278.247 282.456 2.463.286
2012 4.985.870 451.164 435.065 1.294.779 285.819 2.500.680
2013 5.051.275 474.556 440.861 1.314.728 289.125 2.532.434
2014 5.109.056 478.135 444.961 1.331.743 292.225 2.561.804
2015 5.165.802 480.743 449.384 1.346.948 295.644 2.592.454
2016 5.213.985 482.001 453.356 1.357.916 298.486 2.620.846
2017 5.258.317 484.638 458.216 1.364.902 300.789 2.649.758
2018 5.295.619 485.996 462.355 1.369.542 303.754 2.673.969
2019 5.328.212 486.452 465.632 1.373.738 305.244 2.697.141
2020 5.367.580 484.546 468.702 1.381.659 307.231 2.725.440
2021 5.391.369 482.513 471.124 1.387.010 308.843 2.741.879
2022 5.425.270 481.926 474.131 1.392.937 311.134 2.765.142
2023 5.488.984 483.536 478.470 1.406.924 316.051 2.804.007
2024 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2025 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2026 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2027 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2028 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2029 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2030 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2031 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2032 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2033 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
2034 5.550.203 487.744 482.956 1.421.340 319.850 2.838.313
Reference table of calyear and pop_jan1_n (county)
Agder Akershus Buskerud Finnmark-Finnmárkku Innlandet-Sisdajven Møre og Romsdal Nordland-Nordlándda Oslo-Oslove
2005 264.872 535.804 223.853 73.074 356.710 238.785 235.389 529.846
2006 266.401 543.132 225.183 72.937 356.885 242.621 234.859 538.411
2007 268.461 551.350 227.367 72.665 356.969 242.983 234.079 548.617
2008 272.074 561.324 230.429 72.399 358.072 244.275 233.652 560.484
2009 275.592 570.848 233.344 72.492 359.556 246.271 234.058 575.475
2010 278.876 579.994 236.200 72.856 361.057 248.785 234.928 586.860
2011 282.456 589.763 239.185 73.417 362.696 251.385 235.966 599.230
2012 285.819 600.980 242.966 73.787 364.679 254.113 237.036 613.285
2013 289.125 611.813 246.174 74.534 365.649 256.972 238.326 623.966
2014 292.225 621.848 248.857 75.207 366.785 259.130 239.622 634.463
2015 295.644 631.576 250.935 75.605 368.358 261.340 240.405 647.676
2016 298.486 641.783 253.383 75.758 368.636 262.914 240.630 658.390
2017 300.789 652.222 254.974 76.149 369.893 263.847 241.605 666.759
2018 303.754 662.452 256.539 76.167 370.994 264.422 242.071 673.469
2019 305.244 672.781 257.677 75.865 371.054 264.967 242.126 681.071
2020 307.231 682.092 259.626 75.472 371.385 265.236 241.235 693.494
2021 308.843 689.561 260.962 74.684 370.603 265.544 240.345 697.010
2022 311.134 701.565 262.911 74.129 371.253 265.848 240.190 699.827
2023 316.051 716.020 267.060 74.112 373.628 268.369 241.084 709.037
2024 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2025 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2026 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2027 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2028 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2029 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2030 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2031 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2032 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2033 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
2034 319.850 728.803 269.819 75.053 376.304 270.624 243.081 717.710
Reference table of calyear and pop_jan1_n (county)
Rogaland Telemark Troms-Romssa Trøndelag-Trööndelage Vestfold Vestland Østfold
2005 384.984 166.289 135.021 404.688 219.925 554.178 257.875
2006 397.594 166.140 135.718 407.724 220.826 558.055 259.719
2007 404.566 166.170 136.206 411.519 222.075 561.704 261.864
2008 412.687 166.731 136.865 416.539 223.936 567.722 264.809
2009 420.574 167.548 137.759 421.114 225.930 574.915 267.913
2010 427.947 168.231 138.602 425.765 227.422 583.028 270.974
2011 436.087 169.185 139.482 429.886 229.078 590.775 274.149
2012 443.115 170.023 140.341 435.065 231.083 597.551 277.664
2013 452.159 170.902 161.696 440.861 232.621 605.597 281.309
2014 459.625 171.469 163.306 444.961 234.092 612.988 284.290
2015 466.302 171.953 164.733 449.384 235.430 619.306 286.526
2016 470.175 172.494 165.613 453.356 236.965 624.827 289.195
2017 472.024 173.307 166.884 458.216 240.395 629.031 292.208
2018 473.526 173.391 167.758 462.355 242.386 631.594 294.738
2019 475.654 173.318 168.461 465.632 244.393 633.117 296.847
2020 479.892 173.355 167.839 468.702 246.041 636.531 299.447
2021 482.645 173.534 167.484 471.124 248.348 638.821 301.861
2022 485.797 173.970 167.607 474.131 250.862 641.292 304.754
2023 492.350 175.546 168.340 478.470 253.555 646.205 309.161
2024 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2025 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2026 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2027 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2028 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2029 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2030 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2031 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2032 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2033 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152
2034 499.417 177.093 169.610 482.956 256.432 651.299 312.152

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