cvasi: Calibration, Validation, and Simulation of TKTD models in R

CRAN status R-CMD-check

The cvasi package aims to ease the use of ecotox effect models by providing an intuitive workflow. Model inputs and parameters are encapsulated in scenario objects which can be piped to other functions. Operations can be chained using the tidyr syntax. The most time-consuming processes can be run in parallel if requested.

The package provides facilities to

A graphical user interface implemented in Shiny is also available, see the cvasi.ui package. Please have a look at the Changelog for an overview of user-facing updates and changes.


Install the package from CRAN:

install.packages("cvasi", dependencies=TRUE)

Or install the newest development version from GitHub:

install.packages("remotes", dependencies=TRUE)
remotes::install_github("cvasi-tktd/cvasi", dependencies=TRUE)

For installing cvasi from GitHub on Windows computers, please make sure that you also have Rtools installed on your machine. Rtools are required to compile the package’s C code.


The package contains the following vignettes

They can also be accessed locally by executing an R statement such as:

vignette("cvasi-1-manual", package="cvasi")


Basic usage:


# create and parameterize a GUTS-RED-IT scenario
  set_param(c(kd=0.0005, hb=0, alpha=0.4, beta=1.5)) %>%
  set_exposure(data.frame(time=c(0, 100, 101, 200, 201, 400),
                          conc=c(0, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0))) %>%
  set_times(1:400) -> scenario

# simulate scenario
results <- scenario %>% simulate()
#>     time           D H        S
#> 395  395 0.004429420 0 0.998655
#> 396  396 0.004427206 0 0.998655
#> 397  397 0.004424993 0 0.998655
#> 398  398 0.004422781 0 0.998655
#> 399  399 0.004420570 0 0.998655
#> 400  400 0.004418360 0 0.998655

# ... and plot simulation results

Calculation of effects:

# calculate effect level
scenario %>% effect()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 4
#>   scenario         L L.dat.start L.dat.end
#>   <list>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 <GutsRdIt> 0.00135           1       400

# create a dose-response curve
scenario %>% dose_response() -> drc
#>   endpoint        mf      effect
#> 1        L  3.812500 0.009915394
#> 2        L  4.799653 0.013954569
#> 3        L  6.042405 0.019597765
#> 4        L  7.606938 0.027459877
#> 5        L  9.576567 0.038357524
#> 6        L 12.056184 0.053336214

# plot the dose-response curve

# derive EPx values
scenario %>% epx()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#>   scenario   L.EP10 L.EP50
#>   <list>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 <GutsRdIt>   19.0   82.1

Multiple scenarios can be processed in parallel without modifications to the workflow:

# enable parallel processing

# derive EPx for a list of 100 scenarios in parallel
rep(c(scenario), 100) %>% epx()

# disable parallel processing


The package and its source code is free and open-source software available under the GPL-3.0 license.


If you find any issues or bugs within the package, please create a new issue on GitHub.


Contributions to the project are welcome! Please have a look at the Contribution Guidelines before submitting a Pull Request.


Financial support for creation and release of this software project was provided by Bayer Crop Science. This R package started as an internal project at Bayer Crop Science and the project owners would like to thank the people who have contributed (in no particular order):

Nils Kehrein, Johannes Witt, André Gergs, Thomas Preuss, Julian Heinrich, Zhenglei Gao, Tjalling Jager, Dirk Nickisch, Torben Wittwer, and Peter Vermeiren.

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