Building new deconvoluion models: deconvolution of colorectal cancer samples

In this example, we are going to reproduce the pre-trained model DDLS.colon.lee available at the digitalDLSorteRmodels R package. It was trained on data from Lee et al. (2020) (GSE132465, GSE132257 and GSE144735), and consist of ~ 100,000 cells from a total of 31 patients including tumoral and healthy samples. These cells are divided into 22 cell types covering the main ones found in this kind of samples: Anti-inflammatory_MFs (macrophages), B cells, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, ECs (endothelial cells), ECs_tumor, Enterocytes, Epithelial cells, Epithelial_cancer_cells, MFs_SPP1+, Mast cells, Myofibroblasts, NK cells, Pericytes, Plasma_cells, Pro-inflammatory_MFs, Regulatory T cells, Smooth muscle cells, Stromal cells, T follicular helper cells, cDC (conventional dendritic cells), and gamma delta T cells. The expression matrix only contains 2,000 genes selected by digitalDLSorteR when the model was created to save time and RAM. Thus, in this example we will set the parameters related to gene filtering to zero.


if (!requireNamespace("digitalDLSorteRdata", quietly = TRUE)) {

Loading data

We are also going to load bulk RNA-seq data on colorectal cancer patients from the The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program (Koboldt et al. 2012; Ciriello et al. 2015). When building new deconvolution models, we recommend loading both the single-cell RNA-seq reference and the bulk RNA-seq dataset to be deconvoluted at the beginning so that digitalDLSorteR can choose only those genes that are actually relevant for the both of them.

# to make it suitable for digitalDLSorteR
rowData( <- DataFrame(SYMBOL = rownames(
DDLS.colon <- createDDLSobject( = SCE.colon.Lee,
  sc.cell.ID.column = "Index",
  sc.gene.ID.column = "SYMBOL",
  sc.cell.type.column = "Cell_type_6", =,
  bulk.sample.ID.column = "Bulk",
  bulk.gene.ID.column <- "SYMBOL", = "^MT-",
  sc.filt.genes.cluster = FALSE,
  sc.log.FC = FALSE,
  sc.min.counts = 0,
  sc.min.cells = 0,
  verbose = TRUE, 
  project = "Colon-Cancer-Project"  
## === Processing bulk transcriptomics data
##       - Removing 2568 genes without expression in any cell
## 'as(<dgCMatrix>, "dgTMatrix")' is deprecated.
## Use 'as(., "TsparseMatrix")' instead.
## See help("Deprecated") and help("Matrix-deprecated").
##       - Filtering features:
##          - Selected features: 54918
##          - Discarded features: 1599
## === Processing single-cell data
##       - Filtering features:
##          - Selected features: 2000
##          - Discarded features: 0
## === No mitochondrial genes were found by using ^MT- as regrex
## === Final number of dimensions for further analyses: 2000

After loading the data, we have a DigitalDLSorter object with 2,000 genes and both the single-cell RNA-seq used as reference and the bulk RNA-seq data to be deconvoluted.

## An object of class DigitalDLSorter 
## Real single-cell profiles:
##   2000 features and 106364 cells
##   rownames: EREG GJA4 CCL17 ... CCL17 CLNK NCKAP5 XKRX 
## Bulk samples to deconvolute:
##   Bulk.DT bulk samples:
##     2000 features and 521 samples
##     rownames: RP11-275I4.2 DLGAP5 DUOXA2 ... DUOXA2 MFAP3L ARPC2 CD1C 
##     colnames: X1f6efd19.db75.41ee.9a2e.4b1b9b0aa0d5 X45dc023f.b5c7.4ac4.9f26.f4f6dd0b536f X5dcfcd50.6c7b.416d.ad35.12652a931f33 ... X5dcfcd50.6c7b.416d.ad35.12652a931f33 ecc165ac.9f0a.4d7e.90fb.c0fe12909723 ee2e846b.3bc4.43ec.9c2a.eb1f3e909da8 X3b8d04cd.d658.46ba.adca.079fee531e17 
## Project: Colon-Cancer-Project

Generating cell composition matrix

Now, let’s generate the cell composition matrix by using the generateBulkCellMatrix function. It requires a data frame with prior knowledge about how likely is to find each cell type in a sample. For this example, we have used an approximation based on the frequency of each cell type in each patient/sample from the scRNA-seq dataset: <- single.cell.real(DDLS.colon)@colData %>% %>% 
  group_by(Patient, Cell_type_6) %>% summarize(Total = n()) %>% 
  mutate(Prop = (Total / sum(Total)) * 100) %>% group_by(Cell_type_6) %>% 
  summarise(Prop_Mean = ceiling(mean(Prop)), Prop_SD = ceiling(sd(Prop))) %>% 
    from = Prop_Mean, 
    to.1 = Prop_Mean * (Prop_SD * 2),
    to = ifelse(to.1 > 100, 100, to.1),
    to.1 = NULL, Prop_Mean = NULL, Prop_SD = NULL
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Patient'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

Then, we can generate the actual pseudobulk samples that will follow these cell proportions. In this case, we generate 10,000 pseudobulk samples (num.bulk.samples), although this number could be increased according to available computational resources.

## for reproducibility
DDLS.colon <- generateBulkCellMatrix(
  object = DDLS.colon,
  cell.ID.column = "Index",
  cell.type.column = "Cell_type_6", =,
  num.bulk.samples = 10000,
  verbose = TRUE
) %>% simBulkProfiles(threads = 2)
## Error in generateBulkCellMatrix(object = DDLS.colon, cell.ID.column = "Index", : There are some cell types in '' that do not appear in cells metadata. Check that the '' matrix is correctly built

Neural network training

After generating the pseudobulk samples, we can train and evaluate the model. The training step is only performed using cells/pseudobulk samples coming from the training subset, since the test subset will be used for the assessment of its performance.

DDLS.colon <- trainDDLSModel(object = DDLS.colon, verbose = FALSE)
## Error in trainDDLSModel(object = DDLS.colon, verbose = FALSE): 'prob.cell.types' slot is empty

Evaluation of the model on test data

Once the model is trained, we can explore how well the model behaves on test samples. This step is critical because it allows us to assess if digitalDLSorteR is actually understanding the signals coming from each cell type or if on the contrary there are cell types being ignored.

DDLS.colon <- calculateEvalMetrics(object = DDLS.colon)
## Error in calculateEvalMetrics(object = DDLS.colon): The provided object does not have a trained model for evaluation

digitalDLSorteR implements different functions to visualize the results and explore potential biases on the models. For this tutorial, we will check the correlation between expected and predicted proportions, but for a more detailed explanation about other visualization functions, check the Documentation.

  DDLS.colon, = "CellType", = "CellType",
  corr = "both", 
  size.point = 0.5
## Error in corrExpPredPlot(DDLS.colon, = "CellType", = "CellType", : The provided object does not have evaluation metrics. Use 'calculateEvalMetrics' function

As it can be seen, the model is accurately predicting the cell proportions of pseudobulk samples from the test data, which means that it is detecting differential signals for each cell type.

Deconvolution of TCGA samples

Now, to show its performance on real data, we are going to deconvolute the samples from the TCGA project (Koboldt et al. 2012; Ciriello et al. 2015) loaded at the beginning of the vignette. This dataset consists of 521 samples and includes both tumoral and healthy samples. This step is performed by the deconvDDLSObj function, which will use the trained model to obtain a set of predicted proportions for each sample contained in the slot.

DDLS.colon <- deconvDDLSObj(object = DDLS.colon, verbose = FALSE)
## Error in deconvDDLSObj(object = DDLS.colon, verbose = FALSE): There is not trained model in DigitalDLSorter object

We can plot the results as follows:

barPlotCellTypes(DDLS.colon, rm.x.text = TRUE)
## Error in .local(data, colors, simplify, color.line, x.label, rm.x.text, : There are no results in DigitalDLSorter object. Please see ?deconvDDLSObj

As the total number of samples is too high, we can see the results of some samples by taking the predicted cell proportions and plotting 20 random samples with barPlotCellTypes:

resDeconvTCGA <- deconv.results(DDLS.colon, = "Bulk.DT")
## Error in deconv.results(DDLS.colon, = "Bulk.DT"): '' provided does not exists in deconv.results slot
  resDeconvTCGA[sample(1:521, size = 20), ], rm.x.text = TRUE,
  title = "Results of deconvolution (20 random samples)"
## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'data' in selecting a method for function 'barPlotCellTypes': object 'resDeconvTCGA' not found

Now, we can represent the cell proportions of every cell type considered by the model separating healthy and tumoral samples. We are also going to filter out samples considered metastatic or recurrent (check the object) because these groups are composed of only 1 sample:

  Sample = rownames(resDeconvTCGA),
  TypeSample = colData([["Tumor_Type"]]
) %>% cbind(resDeconvTCGA) %>% 
  reshape2::melt() %>% filter(!TypeSample %in% c("Metastatic", "Recurrent")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = TypeSample, y = value, fill = variable)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~ variable, scales = "free") + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = digitalDLSorteR:::default.colors()) + 
  ggtitle("Estimated proportions in TCGA data (all cell types)") + theme_bw() + 
      plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
      legend.title = element_text(face = "bold")
## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'rownames': object 'resDeconvTCGA' not found

In general, the results seem to be in line with what it is known: tumoral samples show a huge immune infiltration, whereas other cell types such as epithelial cells are displaced. We can also specifically inspect the predicted proportions of enterocytes, tumor, epithelial, and stromal cells:

  Sample = rownames(resDeconvTCGA),
  CRC = resDeconvTCGA[, "Epithelial_cancer_cells"],
  Epithelial = resDeconvTCGA[, "Epithelial cells"],
  Stromal = resDeconvTCGA[, "Stromal cells"],
  Entero = resDeconvTCGA[, "Enterocytes"],
  TypeSample =$Tumor_Type
) %>% filter(!TypeSample %in% c("Metastatic", "Recurrent")) %>% 
  reshape2::melt() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = TypeSample, y = value, fill = TypeSample)) +
    geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~ variable) + ylab("Estimated proportion") + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = digitalDLSorteR:::default.colors()) + 
    ggtitle("Estimated proportions in TCGA data") + theme_bw() + 
      plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
      legend.title = element_text(face = "bold")
## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'rownames': object 'resDeconvTCGA' not found

As it can be seen, digitalDLSorteR correctly estimates the absence of tumor cells (CRC) in healthy samples. On the other hand, the predicted proportion of enterocytes, epithelial and stromal cells decrease in the tumoral samples, which makes sense considering the infiltration of immune cells and the increased presence of tumoral cells.

Interpreting the neural network model

Finally, we have implemented a way to make the predictions made by digitalDLSorteR more interpretable. This part was developed for our new R package for deconvolution of spatial transcriptomics data SpatialDDLS, and the methodology is explained in Mañanes et al. (2024).

DDLS.colon <- interGradientsDL(DDLS.colon)
## Error in interGradientsDL(DDLS.colon): could not find function "interGradientsDL"

We can explore the top 5 genes with the highest gradient for each cell type to check which genes are being more used by the model:

top.gradients <- topGradientsCellType(
  DDLS.colon, method = "class", top.n.genes = 5
## Error in topGradientsCellType(DDLS.colon, method = "class", top.n.genes = 5): could not find function "topGradientsCellType"
  top.gradients, \(x) x$Positive
) %>%
## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function '': error in evaluating the argument 'X' in selecting a method for function 'sapply': object 'top.gradients' not found

In addition, digitalDLSorteR also implements a function to plot the top gradients per cell type as a heatmap:

hh <- plotHeatmapGradsAgg(DDLS.colon, top.n.genes = 4, method = "class")
## Error in plotHeatmapGradsAgg(DDLS.colon, top.n.genes = 4, method = "class"): could not find function "plotHeatmapGradsAgg"
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'hh' not found

It is important to note that these markers should not be interpreted as cell type markers. Rather, they serve as indications to help interpret the model’s performance. In addition, due to the multivariate nature of this approach, gradients are surrogates at the feature level for predictions made considering all input variables collectively, and thus caution should be exercised in drawing direct conclusions about specific gene-cell type relationships.


Ciriello, G., M. L. Gatza, A. H. Beck, M. D. Wilkerson, S. K. Rhie, A. Pastore, H. Zhang, et al. 2015. “Comprehensive molecular portraits of invasive lobular breast cancer.” Cell 163 (2): 506–19.

Koboldt, D. C., R. S. Fulton, M. D. McLellan, H. Schmidt, J. Kalicki-Veizer, J. F. McMichael, L. L. Fulton, et al. 2012. “Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours.” Nature 490 (7418): 61–70.

Lee, H. O., Y. Hong, H. E. Etlioglu, Y. B. Cho, V. Pomella, B. Van den Bosch, J. Vanhecke, et al. 2020. “Lineage-dependent gene expression programs influence the immune landscape of colorectal cancer.” Nat Genet 52 (6): 594–603.

Mañanes, D., I. Rivero-García, C. Relaño, Torres. M., D. Sancho, D. Jimenez-Carretero, C. Torroja, and F. Sánchez-Cabo. 2024. “SpatialDDLS: an R package to deconvolute spatial transcriptomics data using neural networks.” Bioinformatics 40 (2).

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