Wrapper for the UN OCHA ReliefWeb Disaster Events API

Lifecycle: stable Travis build status License: GPL-3

This package provides functionality to access and manage the application programming interface (API) of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) ReliefWeb disaster events. It requires a minimal number of dependencies. The function disastr.api() makes it easy to retrieve a user-defined sample of disaster events from ReliefWeb, enabling a seamless integration of regular data updates into the research work flow.


You can install the released version of disastr.api from CRAN with:

install.packages("disastr.api") # downloads and installs the package from CRAN

You can install the development version from GitLab with:

remotes::install_gitlab("chris-dworschak/disastr.api") # downloads and installs the package from GitLab


Using disastr.api is straight forward. To download data on, for example, the last 20 disaster events, you can supply:

library(disastr.api) # loads the package
#> The disastR.api package may be cited as:
#> Dworschak, Christoph. 2021. "Disastr.api: Wrapper for the UN OCHA
#> ReliefWeb Disaster Events API." R package. CRAN version 1.0.6.

my.data.frame <- disastr.api( # stores retrieved disaster events in object my.data.frame
  limit = 20)
#> Your disaster event data request was successful.

head(my.data.frame) # returns the first five observations of the ACLED sample
#>      id                      date                country
#> 1 51977 2024-04-23T03:49:27+00:00 Bosnia and Herzegovina
#> 2 51970 2024-04-18T18:21:19+00:00              Indonesia
#> 3 51963 2024-04-15T07:32:14+00:00                  Kenya
#> 4 51957 2024-04-10T06:17:25+00:00             Kazakhstan
#> 5 51953 2024-04-06T00:54:52+00:00                   Cuba
#> 6 51951 2024-04-04T02:16:22+00:00                Uruguay
#>                                                  name              event
#> 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Measles Outbreak - Feb 2024           Epidemic
#> 2                 Indonesia: Ruang Volcano - Apr 2024            Volcano
#> 3                            Kenya: Floods - Apr 2024 Flash Flood, Flood
#> 4                       Kazakhstan: Floods - Mar 2024              Flood
#> 5                             Cuba: Floods - Mar 2024              Flood
#> 6                          Uruguay: Floods - Mar 2024              Flood
#>    status                                       url
#> 1 ongoing https://reliefweb.int/taxonomy/term/51977
#> 2   alert https://reliefweb.int/taxonomy/term/51970
#> 3 ongoing https://reliefweb.int/taxonomy/term/51963
#> 4 ongoing https://reliefweb.int/taxonomy/term/51957
#> 5 ongoing https://reliefweb.int/taxonomy/term/51953
#> 6 ongoing https://reliefweb.int/taxonomy/term/51951

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