PackagePlotting methods for distfreereg
objects are intended to provide sensible defaults,
almost all of which can be modified easily as needed.
While the examples below are separated into distfreereg
and compare
classes, the way modifications are made in each
case is similar.
ObjectsThe following code creates the distfreereg
object with a
fairly simple setup that is used in most of the examples that
n <- 1e2
true_mean <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,1]
theta <- c(2,5)
X <- matrix(runif(n, min = 1, max = 100))
Y <- true_mean(X, theta) + rnorm(n)
dfr <- distfreereg(Y = Y, X = X, test_mean = true_mean,
covariance = list(Sigma = 1),
theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))
The default plot displays the estimated density of the simulated statistics:
The estimated density of the simulated statistic is plotted, as is a vertical line showing the observed statistic. The upper tail is shaded, and the p-value (the area of the shaded region) is shown. A 95% simultaneous confidence band for the estimated density function is plotted, as well.
The plot above is not ideal because the p-value label overlaps the
density curve. The specifications for this label can be modified using
the text_args
argument, the elements of which are passed to
The default placement is vertically centered on the left side of the
vertical line. By using the text_args
argument, the text
can be printed on the right side of the line and shifted down a bit.
Note that only the elements to change need to be specified in the list
supplied to text_args
One special value, text_args = FALSE
, prevents the label
from being printed.
The stat
argument can be used to produce the
corresponding plot for the CvM statistic.
The calculation of the density curve can be modified using
, whose elements are passed to
To modify the appearance of the curve once the density curve has been
estimated, pass arguments to plot.default()
via the
argument. The example below shows how to modify the
line type.
The appearance of the vertical line can be modified using the
argument, whose elements are passed to
. As with the text label, the line can be omitted
by setting abline_args
equal to FALSE
The shading under the curve is produced by calling
, and can be modified by passing arguments to that
function via polygon_args
. It can also be omitted by
setting polygon_args = FALSE
As a convenience, the shading color can be changed using the
argument. This is equivalent to modifying the
argument of polygon()
The default behavior is to omit the border of the shaded region. As
seen above, this is notable when the vertical line is omitted. This can
be changed by setting border = NULL
, its default value in
, which (usually) results in a border.
In case the values used to create a plot are useful for further
calculation, each call to plot.distfreereg()
returns these values in a list with either two or three elements. The
first two elements, x
and y
, contain the
coordinates of the curve. If confidence bands are plotted, then a third
element named confband
is also returned.
## [1] "x" "y" "confband"
The y-values of the curves that
determine the confidence band are saved in the cb_lower
elements, while the x-values are saved in w
## [1] "call" "Sigma_hat" "radii" "w" "fnw" "cb_lower"
## [7] "cb_upper"
Below are examples of two diagnostic plots available through
A useful diagnostic plot displays the transformed residuals ordered
according to the res_order
element of the
As with the density plot, all options can be modified if needed by
including additional arguments for plot()
ObjectsMost of the examples of plot modifications apply to
objects, as well. These are neverthless illustrated
explicitly below.
The following code creates the compare
object with a
fairly simple setup that is used in all of the examples that follow.
n <- 100
func <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,1] + theta[3]*X[,2]
theta <- c(2,5,-1)
X <- matrix(rexp(2*n), nrow = n)
cdfr <- compare(theta = theta, true_mean = func, test_mean = func,
true_X = X, true_covariance = list(Sigma = 3), X = X,
covariance = list(Sigma = 3), prog = Inf,
theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))
By default, plot.compare()
displays the graphs of the
estimated cumulative distribution functions of the observed and
simulated statistics.
The appearance of the function curves can be modified using the
argument. Note that this passes values to
, not curve()
. The value of
must be a list. If an argument of
is an element of this list, then its value is
passed to the calls for both curves. For example, the width of both
curves can be changed as follows.
To change a property of only one curve, two special (named) elements
of this list are available: “obs
” and “mcsim
Each of these, if present, must be a list. Their elements are passed to
the lines()
call of the corresponding curve. The following
example shows how to change the thickness of both curves but the style
of only the observed statistics curve.
The argument legend
can be used to modify the default
behavior of the legend.
While not recommended, it can be omitted by setting
The horizontal dashed lines are plotted by default to mimic the
default behavior of plot.ecdf()
. These can be modified
using the hlines
argument, whose value is a list of
arguments to pass to abline()
Estimated density curves can be plotted using the which
The area under each density curve is shaded by default. These can be
modified, either together or separately, as can be done with
. The example below shows how to change the
density of the shading for both curves but the color and angle only of
the observed statistics curve.
plot(cdfr, which = "dens",
poly = list(density = 20, obs = list(col = rgb(0.5,0.2,0.2,0.2), angle = -45)))
Other options, such as curve_args
, operate here as
described above in the discussion of CDF plotting.
The other plots available are Q–Q plots: one compares observed and simulated statistics, and the other compares p-values to uniform quantiles.
Both of these plots accept optional lists of arguments to pass to
The diagonal line can be modified using the qqline
argument, whose elements are passed to abline()
ObjectsIt might be useful to compare the observed statistics in two
objects. This can be done by supplying both objects
to compare()
. To illustrate, we first create a second
n <- 100
func <- function(X, theta) theta[1] + theta[2]*X[,1]
theta <- c(7,3)
X <- matrix(rexp(n), nrow = n)
cdfr2 <- compare(theta = theta, true_mean = func, test_mean = func,
true_X = X, true_covariance = list(Sigma = 3), X = X,
covariance = list(Sigma = 3), prog = Inf,
theta_init = rep(1, length(theta)))
The following call compares the observed statistics from the two
In case the values used to create a plot are useful for further
calculation, each call to plot.compare()
invisibly returns
these values in a list. The Q–Q plots both return the value returned by
itself. The other plots return values
corresponding to their curves, including confidence bands, if
## [1] "observed" "simulated" "confband_observed"
## [4] "confband_simulated"
The y-values of the curves that
determine the confidence band are saved in the cb_lower
elements, while the x-values are saved in w
## [1] "call" "Sigma_hat" "radii" "w" "fnw" "cb_lower"
## [7] "cb_upper"
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