
CRAN status


An R package for assisting calibration and visualising outputs of DYRESM-CAEDYM.

In the dycdtools package, there are two main function categories: calibration assistant and post-processing.

For a detailed tutorial of how to use these functions, readers are referred to a peer-reviewed paper by the developers.

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that first-time users of the package first run the package functions (particularly’calib_assist’) on the provided example data (see below the Application Section) to familiarise themselves.


To install the latest development version run the following code:

# install devtools

# install dycdTools package

# Remove the package zip after installation


Below is a minimal case study example. The example data supporting the case study can be accessed via: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7431128

The calibration assistant function - calib_assist

Assume that you want to calibrate three model parameters: wind stirring efficiency, vertical mixing coefficient, and light extinction coefficient and each parameter have 4 possible values. The calib_assis function can be used to call DYRESM-CAEDYM to run for all possible combinations (n = 64) of the three parameters’ values. For each model run, the objective function Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient is calculated for temperature simulations.

calib_assist(cal.para = "calibration_data/Calibration_parameters.csv",
             combination = "all",
              model.var = c("TEMP"),
              obs.data = "calibration_data/Obs_data_template.csv",
              objective.function = c("NSE"),
              start.date = "2002-01-23",
              end.date = "2016-12-31",
              dycd.wd = "calibration_data/DYRESM_CAEDYM_Lake-Okareka/",
              dycd.output = "calibration_data/DYRESM_CAEDYM_Lake-Okareka/DYsim.nc",
              file.name = "calibration_data/Calibration_outputs.csv",
              write.out = TRUE,
              parallel = TRUE,
              verbose = TRUE)

Visualise calibration results

Use a heatmap to visualise the calculated NSE values for all 64 model runs.

# Read in model calibration results
calibration <- read.csv("calibration_data/Calibration_outputs.csv")

# Heat map
ggplot(calibration, aes(x = wse,y = vmc,fill = NSE.TEMP)) +
       geom_tile() +
       scale_fill_distiller(palette = "PuBu", direction = 1) +
       facet_wrap(~lec, scales = "free") +
       xlab("Wind stirring efficiency") +
       ylab("Vertical mixing coefficient") +
       labs(title = "Light extinction coefficient", fill = "NSE") +
       theme_bw()  +
       theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 11, hjust = 0.5))

Post-processing functions

Based on the 64 model runs, you can select a particular parameter value combination that generate the best performance (measured by NSE) and rerun DYRESM-CAEDYM for that particular parameter values. After that, you can use the post-processing functions in the dycdtools package to visualise the outputs of the calibrated model.

# Extract temperature simulations
var.values <- ext_output(dycd.output = "DYCD_Okareka/DYsim.nc",
                         var.extract = c("TEMP"))

# Interpolation of temperature across water column at an interval of 0.5 m
temp.interpolated < -interpol(layerHeights = var.values$dyresmLAYER_HTS_Var,
                              var = var.values$dyresmTEMPTURE_Var,
                              min.dept = 0, max.dept = 33, by.value = 0.5)

# Read in observed water quality data
obs.okareka <- read.csv("plotting_data/Obs_data_template.csv")
obs.okareka$Date <- as.Date(obs.okareka$Date,format="%d/%m/%Y")
# subset observed data to remain temperature observations
obs.temp <- obs.okareka[, c('Date','Depth','TEMP')] 

# Contour plot
plot_cont_com(sim = temp.interpolated,
              obs = obs.temp,
              plot.start = "2002-01-23",
              plot.end = "2006-12-31",
              sim.start = "2002-01-23",
              sim.end = "2016-12-31"
              legend.title = "T\n(\u00B0C)",
              min.depth = 0,
              max.depth = 33,
              by.value = 0.5,
              nlevels = 20)
# Profile plot
plot_prof(sim = temp.interpolated,
          obs = obs.temp,
          sim.start = "2002-01-23",
          sim.end = "2016-12-31",
          plot.start = "2002-01-23",
          plot.end = "2002-12-31",
          min.depth = 0,
          max.depth = 33,
          by.value = 0.5,
          xlabel = "Temperature \u00B0C")
# Time series plot
plot_ts(sim = temp.interpolated,
        obs = obs.temp,
        target.depth = c(1, 14, 30),
        sim.start = "2002-01-23",
        sim.end = "2016-12-31",
        plot.start = "2002-01-23",
        plot.end = "2012-12-31",
        min.depth = 0,
        max.depth = 33,
        by.value = 0.5,
        ylabel = "Temperature \u00B0C")          

# Scatter plot
             plot.start = "2002-01-23",
             min.depth = 0,
             max.depth = 33,
             by.value = 0.5)

Developer contact

Songyan (sunny) Yu: sunny.yu@griffith.edu.au

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