Worked Example

A worked example follows to serve as motivation for the use case.



raw_elt <-example_elt

Calculate ELT parameters and modify raw ELT table

elt <- create_elt(raw_elt, ann_rate="rate", mu="mean", sdev_i = "sdevi" , sdev_c = "sdevc", expval = "exp")

#>     id rate  mean sdevi sdevc     exp       mdr sdev  cov        alpha
#>  1:  1 0.10   500   500   200  100000 0.0050000  700 1.40  0.502653061
#>  2:  2 0.10   200   400   100    5000 0.0400000  500 2.50  0.113600000
#>  3:  3 0.20   300   200   400   40000 0.0075000  600 2.00  0.240625000
#>  4:  4 0.10   100   300   500    4000 0.0250000  800 8.00 -0.009765625
#>  5:  5 0.20   500   100   200    2000 0.2500000  300 0.60  1.833333333
#>  6:  6 0.25   200   200   500   50000 0.0040000  700 3.50  0.077306122
#>  7:  7 0.01  1000   500   600  100000 0.0100000 1100 1.10  0.808181818
#>  8:  8 0.12   250   300   100    5000 0.0500000  400 1.60  0.321093750
#>  9:  9 0.14  1000   500   200    6000 0.1666667  700 0.70  1.534013605
#> 10: 10 0.00 10000  1000   500 1000000 0.0100000 1500 0.15 43.990000000
#>             beta  random_num
#>  1:  100.0279592 0.081967213
#>  2:    2.7264000 0.081967213
#>  3:   31.8427083 0.163934426
#>  4:   -0.3808594 0.081967213
#>  5:    5.5000000 0.163934426
#>  6:   19.2492245 0.204918033
#>  7:   80.0100000 0.008196721
#>  8:    6.1007812 0.098360656
#>  9:    7.6700680 0.114754098
#> 10: 4355.0100000 0.000000000

apply Monte Carlo simulation to turn ELT into YLT

ylt <- create_ylt(elt, sims=10 ,ann_rate = "rate" , event_id = "id", expval = "exp" , mu ="mean")

#>     Year         Loss Event
#>  1:    1 0.000000e+00  None
#>  2:    2 8.574328e+01     5
#>  3:    3 9.137924e-01     2
#>  4:    4 2.611786e+02     1
#>  5:    5 2.686697e+00     8
#>  6:    6 2.529234e+02     1
#>  7:    6 9.173005e+00     3
#>  8:    7 0.000000e+00  None
#>  9:    8 3.633260e-07     6
#> 10:    9 1.286863e+02     3
#> 11:    9 2.296461e+02     6
#> 12:   10 0.000000e+00  None

apply insurance structure to calculate limited losses

# Layer 500 xs 50

ylt[ , layer1_loss := layer_loss(Loss, Excess = 50 , Limit = 500  ) ] 

#>     Year         Loss Event layer1_loss
#>  1:    1 0.000000e+00  None     0.00000
#>  2:    2 8.574328e+01     5    35.74328
#>  3:    3 9.137924e-01     2     0.00000
#>  4:    4 2.611786e+02     1   211.17861
#>  5:    5 2.686697e+00     8     0.00000
#>  6:    6 2.529234e+02     1   202.92345
#>  7:    6 9.173005e+00     3     0.00000
#>  8:    7 0.000000e+00  None     0.00000
#>  9:    8 3.633260e-07     6     0.00000
#> 10:    9 1.286863e+02     3    78.68626
#> 11:    9 2.296461e+02     6   179.64615
#> 12:   10 0.000000e+00  None     0.00000

Summarise losses by year and calculated average expected loss

ann <-ylt[, lapply( .SD , sum), by=Year, .SDcols = c("Loss","layer1_loss") ] 

#>     Year         Loss layer1_loss
#>  1:    1 0.000000e+00     0.00000
#>  2:    2 8.574328e+01    35.74328
#>  3:    3 9.137924e-01     0.00000
#>  4:    4 2.611786e+02   211.17861
#>  5:    5 2.686697e+00     0.00000
#>  6:    6 2.620965e+02   202.92345
#>  7:    7 0.000000e+00     0.00000
#>  8:    8 3.633260e-07     0.00000
#>  9:    9 3.583324e+02   258.33241
#> 10:   10 0.000000e+00     0.00000

expected_loss <- ann[ , lapply(.SD, mean) , .SDcols = c("Loss","layer1_loss")      ]

#>        Loss layer1_loss
#> 1: 97.09512    70.81777

Calculate OEP

ep <-create_oep_curve(ann , y= "Year", z="Loss")
#>     return_period        OEP
#>  1:         10000 358.245795
#>  2:          5000 358.159183
#>  3:          1000 357.466284
#>  4:           500 356.600160
#>  5:           250 354.867913
#>  6:           200 354.001789
#>  7:           100 349.671171
#>  8:            50 341.009935
#>  9:            25 323.687463
#> 10:            10 271.720046
#> 11:             5 261.362178
#> 12:             2   1.800245

calculate AAL and OEP

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