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Implements conditional inference on normal variates as described in Lee, Sun, Sun and Taylor, “Exact Post Selection Inference, with Application to the Lasso.”

– Steven E. Pav, shabbychef@gmail.com


This package may be installed from CRAN; the latest version may be found on github via devtools, or installed via drat:

# devtools
if (require(devtools)) {
    # latest greatest
# via drat:
if (require(drat)) {

Basic Usage

First we perform some simulations under the null to show that the p-values are uniform. We draw a normal vector with identity covariance and zero mean, then flip the sign of each element to make them positive. We then perform inference on the sum of the mean values.

p <- 20
mu <- rep(0, p)
Sigma <- diag(p)
A <- -diag(p)
b <- rep(0, p)
eta <- rep(1, p)
Sigma_eta <- diag(Sigma)
eta_mu <- as.numeric(t(eta) %*% mu)
pvals <- replicate(1000, {
    y <- rnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = sqrt(diag(Sigma)))
    ay <- abs(y)
    pconnorm(y = ay, A = A, b = b, eta = eta, Sigma_eta = Sigma_eta, 
        eta_mu = eta_mu)
qqplot(pvals, qunif(ppoints(length(pvals))), main = "p-values under procedure", 
    ylab = "theoretical", xlab = "empirical")

plot of chunk under_null_pvals

p <- 20
mu <- rep(0, p)
Sigma <- diag(p)
A <- -diag(p)
b <- rep(0, p)
eta <- rep(1, p)
Sigma_eta <- diag(Sigma)
eta_mu <- as.numeric(t(eta) %*% mu)
type_I <- 0.05
civals <- replicate(5000, {
    y <- rnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = sqrt(diag(Sigma)))
    ay <- abs(y)
    ci <- ci_connorm(y = ay, A = A, b = b, p = type_I, 
        eta = eta, Sigma_eta = Sigma_eta)
cat("Empirical coverage of the", type_I, "confidence bound is around", 
    mean(civals < eta_mu), ".\n")
## Empirical coverage of the 0.05 confidence bound is around 0.052 .

See also

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