Tests and Coverage

09 March, 2025 15:39:31

This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
equatiomatic 99.66
R/extract_lhs.R 98.70
R/create_eq.R 100.00
R/extract_eq.R 100.00
R/extract_rhs.R 100.00
R/print.R 100.00
R/utils.R 100.00

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning
test-clm.R 6 0.051 0 0 0 0
test-glm.R 8 0.057 0 0 0 0
test-lm.R 7 0.037 0 0 0 0
test-polr.R 5 0.052 0 0 0 0
test-print.R 2 0.005 0 0 0 0
test-utils.R 8 0.028 0 0 0 0
test-wrapping-formatting.R 10 0.040 0 0 0 0
Show Detailed Test Results
file context test status n time
test-clm.R CLMs Ordered models with clm work PASS 5 0.039
test-clm.R CLMs Unsupported CLMs create a message PASS 1 0.012
test-glm.R GLMs Logistic regression works PASS 1 0.009
test-glm.R GLMs Probit regression works PASS 2 0.013
test-glm.R GLMs Unsupported GLMs create a message PASS 1 0.007
test-glm.R GLMs Distribution-based equations work PASS 3 0.019
test-glm.R GLMs Weights work PASS 1 0.009
test-lm.R Linear models Simple lm models work PASS 3 0.016
test-lm.R Linear models Interactions work PASS 2 0.011
test-lm.R Linear models Custom Greek works PASS 2 0.010
test-polr.R polr Ordered logistic regression works PASS 5 0.052
test-print.R Printing Equation is printed correctly PASS 2 0.005
test-utils.R Utility functions Strict mapply_* functions work PASS 8 0.028
test-wrapping-formatting.R Wrapping and formatting Coefficient digits work correctly PASS 2 0.010
test-wrapping-formatting.R Wrapping and formatting Wrapping works correctly PASS 8 0.030
Session Info
Field Value
Version R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running macOS Catalina 10.15.6
Language en_US
Timezone America/Los_Angeles
Package Version
testthat 2.3.2
covr 3.5.0
covrpage 0.0.71

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