
CRAN status R-CMD-check Lifecycle: experimental Status

euroleaguer provides an easy way to retrieve data from Euroleague and Eurocup API with R.

This is an unofficial API wrapper and we recommend to follow usual rules of conduct when dealing with open API calls.


To get the current development version from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")

Why an R package?

Despite Euroleague official APIs are very well designed and immediate, a more intense analytical use demands a few adjustments in terms of get-requests and output.

With euroleaguer it is possible to input multiple arguments at once (handling for loops internally), values are returned as tibbles and columns are consistent throughout all the functions, avoiding ambiguity of stats naming such as 2FG% (2 field-goal %) for 2P% (2 points %). In short, saving time on collection and cleaning and leaving more for pure analysis.

What can be done

This package allows to retrieve a wide variety of real-time and historical data by different types of aggregation, particularly by player, team or game.

Standard statistics are available as well as some advanced such as AST/TO (ratio of assists made to turnovers committed) or AST-R (estimated % of assists per player’s offensive possessions) and many more. Complete list can be found here.

An additional and insightful information is the coordinates of shots in games which can be retrieved by getGamePoints.

If you are interested in data visualization, some useful resources can be found in articles, which create the following plots:

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.