europepmc 0.4.3

europepmc 0.4.2

europepmc 0.4.1

Minor changes:

europepmc 0.4

New functionalities:

Minor changes:

europepmc 0.3

Minor changes

europepmc 0.2

Minor changes

europepmc 0.1.4

europepmc 0.1.3

Minor changes

europepmc 0.1.2

europepmc 0.1.1

Implement RESTful API v4.5.3

Major changes

Minor changes

europepmc 0.1

Initial submission to CRAN

Major changes

Support of the following Europe PMC RESTful API methods:

Changes made during the ropensci onboarding review by @toph-allen

Answering to @cstubben reports and suggestions:

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.