exhaustiveRasch 0.3.7

This release fixes a bug with automatic removal of certain tests

Bug fixes

When tests are automatically removed (e.g. ‘threshold_order’ for dichotomous models or ‘test_mloef’ when using pairwise estimation), the wrong test was removed from the vector of tests. This was fixed. Outputs to the console concerning notices like these (or e.g. automatic shifting item categories to 0) are now implemented as messagages, so these outputs to the console can be suppressed by wrapping the call to ‘exhaustive_tests()’ in ‘suppressMessages()’.

exhaustiveRasch 0.3.6

This release adds verbose argument to exhaustive_tests() and fixes some documentation and code issues.

Bug fixes

fixed some documentation and code issues not related to bugs or functionality

New features

new argument in main function exhaustive_tests(): verbose. set verbose=TRUE to suppress output to the console during the analysis. Note, there will also be no progress bar, if verbose=TRUE. The default value for verbose is verbose=FALSE.

exhaustiveRasch 0.3.5

This release fixes some minor errors in the documentation.

exhaustiveRasch 0.3.4

This release fixes some minor errors in the documentation.

exhaustiveRasch 0.3.3

This release fixes several bugs and adds some more documentation.

Bug fixes

fixed bug that ppar.psy could not be used outside of the package with standard objects created by psychotools (because of the missing “thresholds” list entry)

exhaustiveRasch 0.3.2

This release fixes several bugs and changes minor parts of the handling.

changed features and usability

the parameters sum0 and se were removed from estimation_control(). From this version on, item parameters are always estimated summed to zero, and standard errors are always computed. The parameters resp.cat and use.thurst for pairwise estimation have moved from pairwise_control() to estimation_control(). The function pairwise_control() was removed.

Bug fixes

fixed error messages with RSM-models estimated with eRm (issue in context of calculating hessians). Affected item combinations are considered as not passing the test. When estimating with psychotools, no models passed test_personsItems. This bug was fixed. The bug, that waldtests with PCM models resulted in 0 passed models was also fixed.


as code from the packages pairwise and eRm was used (cited in the respective functions), the authors and contributors of these packages were added as contributors in the DESCRIPTION file.

exhaustiveRasch 0.3.1

This release adds some new (changed) functionality.

New features

This version implements parameter calculation (not estimation) using the pairwise approach and the respective model tests provided by the pairwise package. Parameters resp.cat and use.thurst for pairwise estimation can be set using the new function pairwise_control(). Person parameters are no longer calculated for each test, but are passed from test to test and are part (as an additional slot of the S4-class) of the passed_exRa object, if a test relying on person parameters is part of the test circuit. When using psychotools for estimation, the results are no longer converted to an eRm class, and functions of eRm are no longer used in this case. There are new internal functions for model tests based on psychotools estimations since this version.

exhaustiveRasch 0.2.2

This release fixes two bugs.

Bug fixes

Accidently, the add_ICs() function was ignored when compiling the package, so it was not available. This bug was fixed. The C- and FORTRAN- code from eRm (originally from the sna package) is now integrated into the package. Previously it was imported from eRm. This was changed to to CRAN’s restrictions that (of course!) does not allow importing compiled code from other packages.

exhaustiveRasch 0.2.1

This release adds some new functionality.

New features

improved performance

If using “psychotools” as the value for the est argument, this will now also affect calculation times for test_mloef, test_waldtest and test_LR. You can expect shorter runtimes by at least the factor 2-3.

new dataset

an additional dataset “cognition” was added. This datasets provides polytomous data of the FACT-cog subscale “perceived cognitive impairment” with 5 item categories. See the package description for information on item labels and answer categories.

Bug fixes

several bugs that lead to error messages were fixed.

exhaustiveRasch 0.2.0

This release adds some new functionality.

New feature

exhaustiveRasch 0.1.8

This release adds some new (changed) functionality.

New features

Bug fixes

Other changes

exhaustiveRasch 0.1.7

This release adds some new functionality.

New features

Unit tests added

Bug fixes

Other changes

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