fabR 2.1.0 (release : 2024-04-18)

Bug fixes and improvements

New functions

deprecated functions

To avoid confusion with help(function), the function fabR_help() has been renamed fabR_website().

Dependency changes

fabR 2.0.1

Bug fixes and improvements

fabR 2.0.0

Creation of NEWS feed !!

Addition of NEWS.md for the development version use “(development version)”.

Bug fixes and improvements

Dependency changes

New Imports: xfun, lifecycle

No longer in Imports: ggplot2, plotly, DT

New functions

bookdown_template() replaces the deprecated function bookdown_template() to improve stability (no more dependency of a github repo) and open new possibilities. Such as:

This separation into 3 functions will allow future developments, such as render as a ppt or pdf.

deprecated functions

Due to another package development (see madshapR), all functions plot_xxx() and summary_xxx() have been deprecated in favor of variable_visualize)

fabR 1.1.1

This package is a collection of wrapper functions used in data pipelines.

This is still a work in progress, so please let me know if you used a function before and is not working any longer.

functions to navigate in a folder, file or R object.

file_index_create(), file_index_read(),file_index_search()

These functions allows to create, read and search into a tibble listing files in a specified folder (recursively) with file path name and other useful metadata. This index can be used to quickly find files in the environment. The index also generates script to read files as R objects into the environment. Names for R objects are generated automatically from file names (R objects are not created at this step but the command line is generated and stored in the column to_eval, ready to be evaluated and generate R objects).

collect_roxygen() is a helper function that can read a structured documentation of a package and turn it into a tibble.

add_index() adds a extra column in a tibble which is index of observations.

functions better than base R :

Create or test for objects of type “logical”, and the basic logical constants. This function is a wrapper of the function base::as.logical() and evaluates if the object to be coerced can be interpreted as a boolean. Any object : NA, NA_integer, NA_Date_, (…), 0, 0L, F, FALSE, false, FaLsE, (…), 1, 1L,T, TRUE, true, TrUe, (…), will be converted as NA, FALSE and TRUE. Any other other will return an error.

These function takes a character string or a vector. This vector evaluates one observation after the other, and casts the best matching date format for each of them (independently). The best matching format is tested across seven different formats provided by the lubridate library. The user can specify the wanted matching format.

Create or test for objects of type “symbol”.

Functions to go quicker in the code

Helper functions

QA functions for tibbles

These helper functions evaluate content of a column to extract what they are supposed to extract for all observations.

get_all_na_cols(), get_all_na_rows(),get_duplicated_cols(), get_duplicated_rows(),get_unique_value_cols()

Write and read excel and csv

Plot and summary functions used in a visual report

plot_bar(), plot_box(), plot_date(), plot_density(), plot_histogram(), plot_main_word(), plot_pie_valid_value(), summary_category(), summary_numerical(),summary_text()

These functions draw a plot or create datatable of the values of a column. Missing values can be given as input to non-valid and valid values separately, or grouped by another column. The output can be editable (using plotly library) or static (using ggplot2 library). The R-code is also editable for coding recycling purpose.

template_visual_report() is a helper function creates a template for the visual report bookdown. This template is taken from the following link: https://github.com/jtr13/bookdown-template/archive/refs/heads/master.zip folder.

The plot_xxx() and summary_xxx() functions can be used to generate code in R chunks.

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