3-dimensional objects

Adam B. Smith


fasterRaster has limited support for 3-dimensional GRasters and GVectors. A GRaster is like a multi-layered raster, except that layers contain values in “voxels” (3-dimensional pixels), where each layer has a z-resolution, in addition to its normal x- and y-resolutions. These layers are called “depths”. A 3-dimensional vector has a z-dimension, so any point (i.e., an actual point, or points that together define a line or polygon) has a third dimension. You can test if an object is 3-dimensional using topology(), is.2d(), or is.3d(), or by looking at its metadata (i.e., just enter the name of the object in R and look at what is displayed).

Thus far, no functions that handle 3-dimensional GRasters or GVectors have been tested. Some functions like spatSample() have arguments that allow you to do something with a z-component. Also, some of the “getter” functions can report information about the third dimension of a GRaster or GVector.

Three-dimensional GRasters and GVectors should (?… remember, no testing yet!) work with most functions. In some cases, the third dimension will be ignored or removed. You should get a warning in these cases.

fasterRaster functions that specifically work with 3-dimensional objects

Function Object type
bottom() GRaster or GVector
dim3d() GRaster
is.2d() GRaster or GVector
is.3d() GRaster or GVector
ncell3d() GRaster
ndepth() GRaster
res3d() GRaster
top() GRaster or GVector
topology() GRaster or GVector
zext() GRaster or GVector
zres() GRaster


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