

fqadata contains regional Floristic Quality Assessment databases that have been approved or approved with reservations by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Paired with the fqacalc package, these datasets allow for Floristic Quality Assessment metrics to be calculated. Both packages were developed for the USACE by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s Environmental Laboratory.


# install the package from CRAN

You can also install the development version of fqadata from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


To access the data:


#view data set
#>                                    name              name_origin acronym
#> 80634                    ACORUS CALAMUS accepted_scientific_name   ACCA4
#> 80635                ACALYPHA GRACILENS accepted_scientific_name   ACGR2
#> 80636    ACALYPHA GRACILENS VAR. DELZII                  synonym   ACGRD
#> 80637   ACALYPHA GRACILENS VAR. FRASERI                  synonym   ACGRF
#> 80638 ACALYPHA VIRGINICA VAR. GRACILENS                  synonym   ACVIG
#> 80639                      ACER NEGUNDO accepted_scientific_name   ACNE2
#>       accepted_scientific_name family   nativity c  w wetland_indicator
#> 80634           Acorus calamus   <NA> introduced 0 -2               OBL
#> 80635       Acalypha gracilens   <NA>     native 4  0               FAC
#> 80636       Acalypha gracilens   <NA>     native 4  0               FAC
#> 80637       Acalypha gracilens   <NA>     native 4  0               FAC
#> 80638       Acalypha gracilens   <NA>     native 4  0               FAC
#> 80639             Acer negundo   <NA>     native 4  0               FAC
#>       physiognomy  duration               common_name
#> 80634        forb perennial     Single-Vein Sweetflag
#> 80635        forb    annual Slender Threeseed Mercury
#> 80636        forb    annual Slender Threeseed Mercury
#> 80637        forb    annual Slender Threeseed Mercury
#> 80638        forb    annual Slender Threeseed Mercury
#> 80639        tree perennial                  Boxelder
#>                           fqa_db
#> 80634 appalachian_mountains_2013
#> 80635 appalachian_mountains_2013
#> 80636 appalachian_mountains_2013
#> 80637 appalachian_mountains_2013
#> 80638 appalachian_mountains_2013
#> 80639 appalachian_mountains_2013

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