
A joint analysis of location-scale (JLS) can be a powerful tool in genome-wide association studies to uncover previously overlooked markers that influence the quantitative traits through both mean and variance (Soave et al., 2015; AJHG). The gJLS2 package offers updated software support to the existing gJLS https://github.com/dsoave/gJLS/), which was developed to deal specifically with sample correlation and group uncertainty (Soave and Sun, 2017; Biometrics). Although the work was originally motivated by genetic association studies, application of the proposed method, however, is not limited to this type of data. The gJLS testing framework is useful for other scientific studies where location and scale parameters are both of interest.

The current gJLS2, as a unifying software package to gJLS, can additionally handle analyses of X-chromosomes through the recently available association testing methods for location (Chen et al., 2020; Biostatistics) and scale (Deng et al., 2019; Genetic Epidemiology). The package will offers convenient PLINK R-plugin scripts and a command-line Rscript for non-GUI usage.

The package can also be conveniently used in 1) a bash script as an R plugin function; and 2) Rscript that can be used from command line. For more details, see Section [A note on genome-wide analyses using R Plugin and R scripts].

Quick start

To load the library in R, simply run:


We illustrate the use of gJLS on simulated phenotype and genotypes of X-chromosomal SNPs from the 1000 Genomes Project. The data can be loaded directly:

#>    FID     IID PAT MAT SEX  PHENOTYPE rs5983012_A rs4119090_G rs5911042_T
#> 1 1328 NA06984   0   0   1  0.6665371           0           0           2
#> 2 1328 NA06989   0   0   2 -0.2565215           0           0           0
#> 3 1330 NA12340   0   0   1  0.2901142           0           2           0
#> 4 1330 NA12341   0   0   2 -0.4528928           0           2           0
#> 5 1330 NA12342   0   0   1 -2.2885722           0           2           2
#> 6 1334 NA12144   0   0   1 -0.2326356           0           2           2
#>   rs986810_C rs180495_G
#> 1          0          0
#> 2          1          1
#> 3          2          2
#> 4          1          0
#> 5          2          0
#> 6          0          0

Phenotype data

The phenotype data included in the dataset were simulated from a standard normal distribution without influence from the genetic sex, nor genotype variables. Though it is quite common to have phenotype with sex-specific distributions, which could lead to incorrect inference if ignored.

Thus, it is always a good idea to perform some exploratory data analysis prior to running \code{gJLS2}, to be aware of the potential non-normality trends (e.g. skewness or modality) as well as to spot any abnormalities in the distributions (e.g. any duplicates), either alone or when stratified by genetic sex, or possibly other suspected confounding factors.

ggplot(data = chrXdat, aes(x=PHENOTYPE, fill=as.factor(SEX))) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..),alpha=0.2, position="identity", 
                 binwidth = 0.2) + geom_density(alpha=0.2, size=0.2) +
  ggtitle("Historagm of Quantitative Trait") + xlab("Phenotype")

plot of chunk plot

#>      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
#> -2.780851 -0.657590 -0.075777 -0.006869  0.730500  2.614816
mean(chrXdat$PHENOTYPE); sd(chrXdat$PHENOTYPE)
#> [1] -0.006869224
#> [1] 0.9743726
#> [1] -0.004267257
#> [1] 2.71659

Genotype data

The samples are restricted to the unrelated European subset (\(n = 471\) with non-ambiguous sex information). To cover a range of minor allele frequencies (MAF), we hand-picked the following SNPs: rs5983012 (A/G), rs986810 (C/T), rs180495 (G/A), rs5911042 (T/C), and rs4119090 (G/A) that are outside of the pseudo-autosomal region (MAF calculated in females and rounded to the nearest digit, see table below).

#>   CHR       SNP A1    MAF
#> 1  23 rs5983012  A 0.1016
#> 2  23  rs986810  C 0.2033
#> 3  23  rs180495  G 0.3008
#> 4  23 rs5911042  T 0.4024
#> 5  23 rs4119090  G 0.4451

gJLS2 in action

The location analysis automatically returns p-values from the recommended association model:

locReg(GENO=chrXdat[,7:11], SEX=chrXdat$SEX, Y=chrXdat$PHENOTYPE, Xchr=TRUE);
#>   CHR         SNP        gL
#> 1   X rs5983012_A 0.9877674
#> 2   X rs4119090_G 0.9201569
#> 3   X rs5911042_T 0.3898029
#> 4   X  rs986810_C 0.4619165
#> 5   X  rs180495_G 0.8767590

The scale analysis automatically returns p-values from the recommended association model and assumes the residuals at the mean-stage are calculated using Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) rather than Ordinary Least Squares (OLS):

scaleReg(GENO=chrXdat[,7:11], SEX=chrXdat$SEX, Y=chrXdat$PHENOTYPE, Xchr=TRUE)
#>   CHR         SNP        gS
#> 1   X rs5983012_A 0.1391909
#> 2   X rs4119090_G 0.9828430
#> 3   X rs5911042_T 0.1487017
#> 4   X  rs986810_C 0.9563390
#> 5   X  rs180495_G 0.3476929
scaleReg(GENO=chrXdat[,7:11], SEX=chrXdat$SEX, Y=chrXdat$PHENOTYPE, Xchr=TRUE, loc_alg="OLS")
#>   CHR         SNP        gS
#> 1   X rs5983012_A 0.1739062
#> 2   X rs4119090_G 0.9999999
#> 3   X rs5911042_T 0.1163023
#> 4   X  rs986810_C 0.9581589
#> 5   X  rs180495_G 0.3619056

The joint-location-scale analysis is then straightforward by combining the sets of gL and gS p-values.

gJLS2(GENO=chrXdat[,7:11], Y=chrXdat$PHENOTYPE, SEX=chrXdat$SEX, Xchr=TRUE)
#>   CHR         SNP        gL        gS      gJLS
#> 1   X rs5983012_A 0.9943538 0.1198837 0.3727472
#> 2   X rs4119090_G 0.8881506 0.9794193 0.9911401
#> 3   X rs5911042_T 0.3488576 0.1514217 0.2081701
#> 4   X  rs986810_C 0.4898597 0.9244773 0.8116064
#> 5   X  rs180495_G 0.8702304 0.3619588 0.6788681

Analytical scenarios and options

In this section, we explore some common analytical scenarios and illustrate the different options available in gJLS2, specifically on how to deal with dosage genotypes, related samples and analysis of X-chromosome SNPs.

As a general comment, caution should be exercised to combine p-values using Fisher’s method when the trait under analyses were in different scales (e.g. log-transformed for location and un-transformed for scale analyses). In this case, we recommend a rank-based inverse normal transformation (transformed) the quantitative trait. This is also the default option in scaleReg for the scale association analyses and the joint analyses.

Imputed SNPs

To improve coverage and boost power of detectection, imputation is now routinely used in genome-wide association studies. The process of imputation has been made easy by the publicly available reference panels (1000 Genomes Project) and softwares such as Impute2 (Howie et al., 2009; PLoS Genetics) and Beagle (Browning and Browning, 2009; American Journal of Human Genetics).

For a sample with \(n\) individuals, the imputed genotypes can be a matrix of posterior genotype probabilities of dimension \(n\times 3\) with each column corresponding to a particular genotype (denoted by \(\eta(A/A)\), \(\eta(A/B)\) or \(\eta(B/B)\)).

Alternatively, it is possible to have dosage data that is a vector of \(n\) entries whereby the dosage value for each individual is calculated as \[ 0\times \eta(A/A) + 1\times\eta(A/B) + 2\times\eta(B/B), \] where \(\eta(A/A) + \eta(A/B) +\eta(B/B) = 1\) and 0, 1, 2 denote the additive genotype values coded for the number of alternative alleles (usually the minor allele).

Finally, the dosage values can be converted to discrete genotypes by setting a pre-defined threshold on the confidence of the posterior probability. For example, PLINK defines the hardcall threshold as the distance from the nearest hardcall: \[ 0.5 \times \sum_i |g_i - round(g_i)| \] where \(g_i\) are allele dosages ranging between 0 and 2. A hardcall threshold of 0.1 (i.e. less than) is usually used to retain SNPs with better imputation quality and a hardcall threshold of 0 sets all uncertain genotypes to be missing.

In our analyses, all three types of imputed data are accepted. The program will automatically detect the status of imputation based on 1) whether the genotype data is supplied as a vector or a matrix/data.frame; 2) whether the number of distinct genotype values exceeds 4 (0, 1, 2, and/or a missing code, usually -9 or NA).

following Acar and Sun (2013), here we simulate the imputed data by introducing uncertainty using a Dirichlet distribution. A parameter \(a \in [0,1]\) is used to for the correct genotype category and (1 − a)/2 for the other two, where \(a = 1\) corresponds to a generative model with no genotype uncertainty and \(a = 0.5\) corresponds to roughly 50\% of the “best-guess” genotypes will match the correct genotype groups.

#> Loading required package: coda
#> Loading required package: MASS
#> ##
#> ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)
#> ## Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park
#> ##
#> ## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation
#> ## (Grants SES-0350646 and SES-0350613)
#> ##
N <- 300 
geno <- rbinom(N, 2, 0.3)
a <- 0.3 ## uncertainty
genPP <- rbind(rdirichlet(sum(geno==0),c(a,(1-a)/2,(1-a)/2)), 
#>            [,1]      [,2]       [,3]
#> [1,] 0.97590374 0.0103853 0.01371096
#> [2,] 0.52450363 0.4072423 0.06825403
#> [3,] 0.48568696 0.3039492 0.21036388
#> [4,] 0.05823034 0.6514329 0.29033671
#> [5,] 0.09782856 0.3530470 0.54912441
#> [6,] 0.17870615 0.2856523 0.53564158
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>       1       1       1       1       1       1

The genotypic probability matrix/data.frame can be analyzed directly, but needs to be an item in a list since the program cannot distinguish the supplied matrix/data.frame is for an individual imputed SNP or a matrix of SNPs in discrete/dosage genotype values.

To analyzed the genotypic probabilities using a 2 degree-of-freedom (df) test, the genotypic option needs to be set to TRUE, otherwise the function automatically converts the genotypic probability matrix/data.frame to dosage data and then analyzes using a 1 df test. However, we cannot perform the original Levene's test on the genotypic probabilities as supposed to discrete genotype values.

sex <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)+1 ## using PLINK coding
y <- rnorm(N)
covar <- matrix(rnorm(N*10), ncol=10)
gJLS2(GENO=list(genPP), SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar, genotypic = TRUE) ## geno probabilities
#>     SNP        gL        gS      gJLS
#> 1 SNP_1 0.8736782 0.5839544 0.8535324
gJLS2(GENO=list(genPP), SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar) ## geno dosage
#>     SNP        gL        gS      gJLS
#> 1 SNP_1 0.8736782 0.3190408 0.6348224
try(gJLS2(GENO=list(genPP), SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar, origLev = TRUE)) ## cannot perform Levene's test
#>     SNP        gL        gS      gJLS
#> 1 SNP_1 0.8736782 0.3190408 0.6348224

Related samples

The related=TRUE option can be used to deal with related samples, usually indicated by the shared family ID (FID) in the PLINK tt>.fam files. A cluster assignment can be specified, for example, using the FID as a factor. If the clust argument is not specified, then the entire samples are treated as a single group constrained by a single correlation structure. The default option assumes a compound symmetric correlation structure whereby all pairwise samples within the same cluster/group have the same correlation. The argument cov.structure can also take other standard classes of correlation structures listed in corClasses from R package nlme. See ?corClasses. This option currently only applies to autosomal SNPs.

gJLS2(GENO=geno, SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar, related=TRUE, clust = rep(1:3, c(N/2, N/4, N/4)))
#>   SNP        gL        gS      gJLS
#> 1 SNP 0.1692385 0.2065697 0.1521986

X-chromosome SNPs

Genotypes of a X-chromosome marker is sex-dependent and thus are generated separately for males and females, but assuming the allele frequency to be the same (I used 0.3):

genoX <- NA
genoX[sex==2] <- rbinom(sum(sex==2), 2, 0.3)
genoX[sex==1] <- rbinom(sum(sex==1), 1, 0.3)
table(genoX, sex)
#>      sex
#> genoX   1   2
#>     0 116  67
#>     1  47  54
#>     2   0  16

For X-chromosome analyses, the option Xchr must be set to TRUE as the function cannot distinguish autosomal genotype ro X-chromosome genotype data. For the pseudo-autosomal regions of X-chromosome, this option can be set to FALSE.

locReg(GENO=genoX, SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar, Xchr=TRUE)
#>   CHR SNP        gL
#> 1   X SNP 0.8154348

The scale and joint analysis can be performed similarly following the default options of inverse-normal transformation (transformed=TRUE), using least absolute devation (LAD) to estimate residuals in the first stage (loc_alg=“LAD”), and assuming an additive model (genotypic=FALSE):

gJLS2(GENO=genoX, SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar, Xchr=TRUE)
#>   CHR SNP        gL        gS     gJLS
#> 1   X SNP 0.7977312 0.7230352 0.894183

Additional options

For both autosome and X-chromosome scale association, it is possible to choose between a genotypic test with 2 df (or 3 for X-chromosome with \(GxS\) interaction) or 1 df (or 2 for X-chromosome with \(GxS\)) test. This is controlled by the option genotypic=TRUE.

As an additional option, the sex-stratified scale association p-values may also be reported by specifying origLev=TRUE, which gives the sex-specific (original) Levene's test p-value. This can then be combined with sex-stratified location association p-values for a sex-stratified gJLS analysis using the gJLSs function.

gJLS2(GENO=geno, SEX=sex, Y=y, COVAR=covar, origLev=TRUE)
#>   SNP        gL        gS       Lev Flagged      gJLS
#> 1 SNP 0.1683067 0.7931796 0.9723307       1 0.4023176

A note on genome-wide analyses using R Plugin and R scripts

Considering the computational and memory requirement of genome-wide data, the package offers two possible approaches for running the gJLS analyses: 1) using the stand-alone package in R environment (GUI or as a command-line program through \texttt{Rscript}), or 2) using the genetic software PLINK via an R plugin function.

In general, we recommend the users to divide the genotype data by chromosome and maybe take advantage of parallel computing when using a server with multiple cores or processors.


The below Rscript can serve as a starting point to customized the analyses for each user. The arguments available in this Rscript included the very basic ones and additional ones can be added easily. A useful option is “write'', where the user can specify the chunk size for results to be written in the file as the program runs.

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

if("optparse" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
print("optparse not installed, trying to intall now ...")
install.packages("optparse", repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')


option_list = list(
  make_option(c("-b", "--bfile"), type="character", default=NULL, 
              help="genotype dataset file name", metavar="character"),
  make_option(c("-p", "--pfile"), type="character", default=NULL, 
              help="pheno and covariate dataset file name", metavar="character"),
  make_option(c("-m", "--pheno"), type="character", default=NULL, 
              help="phenotype name", metavar="vector"),
  make_option(c("-c", "--covar"), type="character", default=NULL, 
              help="covariate name", metavar="vector"),
  make_option(c("-q", "--center"), type="character", default="median", 
              help="center option in gJLS2", metavar="character"),
  make_option(c("-g", "--genotypic"), type="logical", default="TRUE", 
              help="genotypic option in gJLS2", metavar="character"),
  make_option(c("-t", "--transform"), type="logical", default="FALSE", 
              help="transform option in gJLS2", metavar="character"),
  make_option(c("-x", "--Xchr"), type="logical", default="FALSE", 
              help="Xchr option in gJLS2", metavar="character"),
  make_option(c("-w", "--write"), type="integer", default= 50, 
              help="writing in chunk size", metavar="integer"),
  make_option(c("-o", "--out"), type="character", default="out.txt", 
              help="output file name [default= %default]", metavar="character")

opt_parser <-OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
arguments <- parse_args (opt_parser, positional_arguments=TRUE)
opt <- arguments$options
args <- arguments$args

bimf <- opt$bfile
phenof <-opt$pfile

phenoNames <- opt$pheno
covarNames <- strsplit(opt$covar, ",")[[1]]
chunk_size <- opt$write
cat(paste("Writing in chunk size of", chunk_size, "\n"))

## additional options:

centre <- opt$center; 
cat(paste("Using center option", centre, "\n"))
genotypic <- opt$genotypic
cat(paste("Using genotypic option", genotypic, "\n"))
transform <- opt$transform
cat(paste("Using transform option", transform, "\n"))
xchr <- opt$Xchr
cat(paste("Using Xchr option", xchr, "\n"))
out <- opt$out

if("gJLS2" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
cat("gJLS2 not installed, trying to intall now ...")
install.packages("gJLS2", repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')


## checking pheno file

if("BEDMatrix" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
print("BEDMatrix not installed, trying to intall now ...")
install.packages("BEDMatrix", repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')

if("BGData" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
print("BGData not installed, trying to intall now ...")
install.packages("BGData", repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org', dependencies=T)

## checking inputs to be bed, fam, bim files

bedFiles <- BEDMatrix(bimf)

cat(paste("linking phenotype file", phenof, "\n"))

bg <- as.BGData(bedFiles, alternatePhenotypeFile = paste0(phenof))


pheno_dat <- pheno(bg)
geno_dat <- geno(bg)

if (!is.null(covarNames)){

if (sum(grepl("sex|SEX|Sex", covarNames)) > 0){

    SEX_cov <- pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames][grepl("sex|SEX|Sex", covarNames)][,1]
    covarNames_use <- covarNames[!grepl("sex|SEX|Sex", covarNames)]
    SEX_cov_PLINK <- ifelse(SEX_cov==0, 2, SEX_cov)

cat(paste("Covariates include", covarNames, " from covariate/pheno file \n"))

} else {

    SEX_cov <- pheno_dat$SEX
    SEX_cov_PLINK <- ifelse(SEX_cov==0, 2, SEX_cov)
    covarNames_use <- covarNames

cat(paste("Covariates did not include SEX, taking SEX from .fam file\n"))


cat(paste("Writing results to output", out, "\n"))

## writing results by chunks of 50 SNPs to avoid loss in interruption

iter <- round(dim(geno_dat)[2]/chunk_size)

if (xchr) {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1):(chunk_size)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK, COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames_use], Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")  
} else {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1):(chunk_size)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames], Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")       

for (j in 2:iter){

    cat(paste("Running the", j, "th chunk", "\n"))

if (j == iter){

if (xchr) {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(iter-1)):dim(geno_dat)[2]], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK, COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames_use], Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")
} else {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(iter-1)):dim(geno_dat)[2]], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames], Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")    

} else {    
if (xchr){
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(j-1)):(chunk_size*j)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK, COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames_use], Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")
} else {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(j-1)):(chunk_size*j)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames], Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t") 

# locReg(GENO = geno_dat[,1:3], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK, COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames_use], Xchr=xchr)
# scaleReg(GENO = geno_dat[,1:3], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK, COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames_use], Xchr=xchr)
#gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,1:dim(geno_dat)[2]], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK,#COVAR = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% covarNames_use], Xchr=xchr)

} else {

cat(paste("Writing results to output", out, "\n"))

iter <- round(dim(geno_dat)[2]/chunk_size)

if (xchr){
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1):(chunk_size)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK,  Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
} else {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1):(chunk_size)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]],  Xchr=xchr), file = out, col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")    

for (j in 2:iter){

    cat(paste("Running the", j, "th chunk", "\n"))

if (j == iter){

if (xchr){  
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(iter-1)):dim(geno_dat)[2]], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK,  Xchr=xchr, head=FALSE), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")
} else {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(iter-1)):dim(geno_dat)[2]], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], Xchr=xchr, head=FALSE), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")  

} else {    

if (xchr){
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(j-1)):(chunk_size*j)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], SEX = SEX_cov_PLINK,  Xchr=xchr, head= FALSE), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")
} else {
write.table(gJLS2(GENO = geno_dat[,(1 + chunk_size*(j-1)):(chunk_size*j)], Y = pheno_dat[,names(pheno_dat) %in% phenoNames[1]], Xchr=xchr, head= FALSE), file = out, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, append=TRUE, sep="\t")

You can then run this Rscript on the command line:

Rscript gJLS2Script.R --bfile chrX_473_sample \
--pfile pheno.txt \
--pheno pheno1 \
--Xchr TRUE \
--write 10 \
--covar SEX,covar1,covar2,covar3 \
--out testRun.results.txt 

PLINK and an R plugin function

We illustrate gJLS analyses using simulated phenotype, covariates, and real X-chromosome genotypes from 1000 Genomes Project via a simple yet adaptable R plugin function; the function can be easily modified to suit the user's needs.

Before we start, we have to make sure both \package{gJLS2} and \package{Rserve} packages are installed. More details on the R plugin function can be found here. In some cases, the default port does not work and you can specify a port number when starting \package{Rserve} and in PLINK.

The following R plugin script is quite simple since the majority of the coding is now nested in the gJLS2 function. Notice that for X-chromosome, the genetic sex must be provided and this is done through setting the first column of the covariate file to be the sex variable. To run PLINK R plugin function, save this coding chunk into an R script and give it a name, such as 'run_gJLS2.R'.

Rplink <- function(PHENO,GENO,CLUSTER,COVAR){

  f1 <- function(s) 
      r <-  gJLS2(GENO=s, SEX=ifelse(COVAR[,1]==0, 2, COVAR[,1]), Y=PHENO, COVAR=COVAR[,-1], Xchr=TRUE)
      rr <- as.numeric(r[3:5])
      c( length(rr) , rr )
      apply( GENO , 2 , f1 )

The remaining step is done in the bash command line by calling PLINK and you can test the script with the files extracted from the file 1KG_example.zip.

R CMD Rserve --RS-port 8221 --no-save

plink --bfile chrX_473_sample \
--pheno Pheno.txt \
--pheno-number 2 \
--R-port 8221 \
--covar Covar.txt \
--covar-name SEX covar1 covar2 \
--out test_1kg

User (input data) scenarios

The gJSL2 analyzes each SNP at a time, it is straightforward to divide-and-conquer irrespective of your programming choice. Here I list some possible user scenarios and our recommendation on which approach to use. The reader is also encouraged to experiment to find the best approach according to their own computing specifications.

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