Taxonomic filtering

Callum Waite & Shandiya Balasubramaniam


Taxonomic complexity can confound the process of searching, filtering, and downloading records using galah, but there are a few ways to ensure records are not missed.

galah_config(email = "your_email_here", verbose = FALSE)


search_taxa() enables users to look up taxonomic names before downloading data, which allows for disambiguating homonyms and checking that the search term matches the taxon name in the ALA . search_taxa() returns the scientific name, authorship, rank, and full classification for the taxon matched to the provided search term.

search_taxa("Petroica boodang") |> gt::gt()
search_term scientific_name scientific_name_authorship taxon_concept_id rank match_type kingdom phylum class order family genus species vernacular_name issues
Petroica boodang Petroica (Petroica) boodang (Lesson, 1838) species exactMatch Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes Petroicidae Petroica Petroica boodang Scarlet Robin noIssue
# Muscicapa chrysoptera is a synonym for the Flame Robin, Petroica phoenicea
# Guniibuu is the Yuwaalaraay Indigenous name for the Red-Capped Robin, Petroica goodenovii
search_taxa("Muscicapa chrysoptera", "Guniibuu") |> gt::gt()

search_term scientific_name scientific_name_authorship taxon_concept_id rank match_type kingdom phylum class order family genus species vernacular_name issues
Muscicapa chrysoptera Petroica (Littlera) phoenicea Gould, 1837 species exactMatch Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes Petroicidae Petroica Petroica phoenicea Flame Robin noIssue

Where homonyms exist, search_taxa() will prompt users to clarify the search term by providing one or more taxonomic ranks in a tibble. This example differentiates among the genus Morganella in three kingdoms:

search_taxa("Morganella") |> gt::gt()
## Warning: Search returned multiple taxa due to a homonym issue.
## ℹ Please provide another rank in your search to clarify taxa.
## ℹ Use a `tibble` to clarify taxa, see `?search_taxa`.
## ✖ Homonym issue with "Morganella".
search_term issues
Morganella homonym
search_taxa(tibble(kingdom = "Fungi", genus = "Morganella")) |> gt::gt()

search_term scientific_name scientific_name_authorship taxon_concept_id rank match_type kingdom phylum class order family genus issues
Fungi_Morganella Morganella Zeller genus exactMatch Fungi Basidiomycota Agaricomycetes Agaricales Agaricaceae Morganella noIssue


identify() is similar to search_taxa(), except that it can be used within a piped workflow to retrieve counts, species, or records e.g.

galah_call() |>
  identify("Petroica boodang") |>
  count() |>
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##    count
##    <int>
## 1 132981
galah_call(type = "species") |>
  identify("Muscicapa chrysoptera", "Guniibuu") |>
  collect() |> 
taxon_concept_id species_name scientific_name_authorship taxon_rank kingdom phylum class order family genus vernacular_name Petroica (Petroica) goodenovii (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827) species Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes Petroicidae Petroica Red-capped Robin Petroica (Littlera) phoenicea Gould, 1837 species Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes Petroicidae Petroica Flame Robin
galah_call() |>
  identify(tibble(kingdom = "Fungi", genus = "Morganella")) |>
  collect() |>
  head() |> 
## Retrying in 1 seconds.
recordID scientificName taxonConceptID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude eventDate occurrenceStatus dataResourceName
001ec30d-3376-4f63-ba32-b48bc3dd137d Morganella purpurascens -33.66218 150.2708 2021-04-10 PRESENT NSW BioNet Atlas
005ef5cf-aae1-411c-8476-8ac01dc80e9b Morganella compacta NZOR-6-128055 -36.82343 175.0731 NA PRESENT New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection
0084789b-e04d-4742-95b5-2e3761d9fd9c Morganella compacta NZOR-6-128055 -38.03175 176.4870 2019-05-14 PRESENT New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection
00efd1aa-ebf2-4afb-bd4d-b76af6ff0207 Morganella compacta NZOR-6-128055 -41.09759 172.9346 2014-05-01 PRESENT New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection
0688cd3a-2954-45f7-9775-f83331d86519 Morganella compacta NZOR-6-128055 -36.92053 174.4585 1942-07-12 PRESENT New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection
08010c5f-19ee-46e2-b6e0-973a5e79d135 Morganella compacta NZOR-6-128055 -42.24482 171.3296 1986-04-20 PRESENT New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection


filter() subsets records by searching for exact matches to an expression, and may also be used for taxonomic filtering e.g.

galah_call() |>
  filter(species == "Petroica boodang") |>
  count() |>
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##    count
##    <int>
## 1 132981

Alternatively, we could use filter() after first checking taxonomy with search_taxa(), in place of identify():

robins <- search_taxa("Muscicapa chrysoptera", "Guniibuu") 

galah_call() |>
  filter(taxonConceptID == robins$taxon_concept_id) |>
  count() |>
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   count
##   <int>
## 1 88434

It is also possible to specify several species at once using filter():

aus_petroica <- c("Petroica boodang", "Petroica goodenovii", 
                  "Petroica phoenicea", "Petroica rosea",
                  "Petroica rodinogaster", "Petroica multicolor")

galah_call() |>
  filter(species %in% aus_petroica) |>
  group_by(species, vernacularName) |>
  count() |> 
  collect() |>
species vernacularName count
Petroica boodang Scarlet Robin 129172
Petroica boodang Eastern Scarlet Robin 3593
Petroica boodang South-western Scarlet Robin 166
Petroica boodang Tasmanian Scarlet Robin 50
Petroica goodenovii Red-capped Robin 119914
Petroica phoenicea Flame Robin 88434
Petroica rosea Rose Robin 60101
Petroica rodinogaster Pink Robin 15640
Petroica rodinogaster Mainland Pink Robin 60
Petroica rodinogaster Tasmanian Pink Robin 21
Petroica multicolor Pacific Robin 6705

This can be useful in searching for paraphyletic or polyphyletic groups, which cannot be done using identify(). For example, to get counts of non-chordates:

galah_call() |>
  filter(kingdom == "Animalia", phylum != "Chordata") |>
  group_by(phylum) |>
  count() |>
  collect() |>
  head() |> 
phylum count
Arthropoda 9061922
Mollusca 1498353
Annelida 320916
Cnidaria 283139
Echinodermata 206043
Porifera 132106

filter(), identify(), and taxonomic ranks

Deciding between using filter() and identify() in a query comes down to how a record has been classified, and whether or not you have the correct unique name and classification of the taxa of interest.

The ALA has fields for the primary taxonomic ranks (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) and some secondary ranks (e.g. subfamily, subgenus), all of which may be used with galah_filter() and galah_identify(). Additionally, there is a field named scientificName, which refers to the lowest taxonomic rank to which a record has been identified e.g.

galah_call() |>
  identify(tibble(genus = "Pitta")) |>
  group_by(scientificName, taxonRank) |>
  count() |>
  collect() |>
  filter(! |>
scientificName taxonRank count
Pitta (Pitta) versicolor species 30041
Pitta (Pitta) iris species 6550
Pitta (Erythropitta) subgenus 883
Pitta (Pitta) versicolor versicolor subspecies 311
Pitta (Erythropitta) erythrogaster species 181
Pitta (Pitta) iris iris subspecies 83
Pitta genus 68
Pitta (Pitta) versicolor intermedia subspecies 42
Pitta (Pitta) versicolor simillima subspecies 38
Pitta (Pitta) iris johnstoneiana subspecies 27
Pitta (Erythropitta) erythrogaster digglesi subspecies 6

If, for instance, you have the correct species or subspecies name, then searching for matches against the species and subspecies fields, respectively, will provide more precise results. This is because the field scientificName may include subgenera. If you’ve used search_taxa() to get the ALA-matched name of a taxon and only want records identified to a particular level of classification, searching for matches against scientificName is recommended.

Paraphyletic or polyphyletic groups may contain taxa identified to different taxonomic levels. In this case, it is simpler to use search_taxa() and identify() rather than filter(). In the example below, search_taxa() matches terms to one genus, three species, and two subspecies. This can then be used in a piped workflow with identify().

tas_endemic <- c("Sarcophilus", # Tasmanian Devil
                 "Bettongia gaimardi", # Tasmanian Bettong
                 "Melanodryas vittata", # Dusky Robin
                 "Platycercus caledonicus",# Green Rosella
                 "Aquila audax fleayi", # Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagle
                 "Tyto novaehollandiae castanops") # Tasmanian Masked Owl

search_taxa(tas_endemic) |> gt::gt()
search_term scientific_name scientific_name_authorship taxon_concept_id rank match_type kingdom phylum class order family genus species vernacular_name issues
Sarcophilus Sarcophilus Cuvier, 1837 genus exactMatch Animalia Chordata Mammalia Dasyuromorphia Dasyuridae Sarcophilus NA NA noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue
Bettongia gaimardi Bettongia gaimardi (Desmarest, 1822) species exactMatch Animalia Chordata Mammalia Diprotodontia Potoroidae Bettongia Bettongia gaimardi Tasmanian Bettong noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue
Melanodryas vittata Melanodryas (Amaurodryas) vittata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) species exactMatch Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes Petroicidae Melanodryas Melanodryas vittata Dusky Robin noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue
Platycercus caledonicus Platycercus (Platycercus) caledonicus (Gmelin, 1788) species exactMatch Animalia Chordata Aves Psittaciformes Psittacidae Platycercus Platycercus caledonicus Green Rosella noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue
Aquila audax fleayi Aquila (Uroaetus) audax fleayi Condon & Amadon, 1954 subspecies exactMatch Animalia Chordata Aves Accipitriformes Accipitridae Aquila Aquila audax Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagle noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue
Tyto novaehollandiae castanops Tyto novaehollandiae castanops (Gould, 1837) subspecies exactMatch Animalia Chordata Aves Strigiformes Tytonidae Tyto Tyto novaehollandiae Tasmanian Masked Owl noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue, noIssue
galah_call() |>
  identify(tas_endemic) |>
  group_by(scientificName) |>
  count() |>
  collect() |>
  arrange(scientificName) |>
scientificName count
Aquila (Uroaetus) audax fleayi 5035
Bettongia gaimardi 1964
Bettongia gaimardi cuniculus 41
Bettongia gaimardi gaimardi 9
Melanodryas (Amaurodryas) vittata 15719
Melanodryas (Amaurodryas) vittata kingi 16
Melanodryas (Amaurodryas) vittata vittata 46
Platycercus (Platycercus) caledonicus 51180
Platycercus (Platycercus) caledonicus brownii 24
Platycercus (Platycercus) caledonicus caledonicus 33
Sarcophilus 3
Sarcophilus harrisii 36376
Tyto novaehollandiae castanops 67

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