GERDA R Package

This package provides functions to access and work with GERDA datasets.

Note: This package is currently a work in progress. Comments and suggestions are welcome – please send to .


You can install the development version of GERDA from GitHub using the devtools package:

# Install devtools if you haven't already
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

# Install GERDA

Main Functions

Usage Examples

# Load the package

# List available datasets
available_data <- gerda_data_list()

# Load a dataset
data_municipal_harm <- load_gerda_web("municipal_harm", verbose = TRUE, file_format = "rds")


For a complete list of available datasets and their descriptions, use the gerda_data_list() function. This function either prints a formatted table to the console and invisibly returns a tibble or directly returns the tibble without printing.


As this package is a work in progress, we welcome feedback. Please send your comments to or open an issue on the GitHub repository.

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