ggalign 1.0.0

This is a major release. While not many new features have been added, this marks the first release where the entire layout system has been completed.

Breaking changes

New features

ggalign 0.1.0

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes


ggalign 0.0.5

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes


ggalign 0.0.4

ggalign 0.0.3

ggalign 0.0.2

ggalign 0.0.1


ggalign pacakge provides two layout to arrange ggplot objects:

To further customize these layouts, we offer following functions:

For more detailed instructions on customizing layouts, see the vignette: vignette("layout-customize").

Additionally, plots can be added in the layout with following functions:

For more information on adding plots, refer to the vignette: vignette("layout-plot").

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