
An easier to use GitHub API wrapper for R

This is really newly under development

How to install

if (!("remotes" %in% installed.packages())) {

Set up credentials

First, set up your GitHub credentials using usethis::gitcreds_set().

install.packages(c("usethis", "gitcreds"))

# Get a token

# Give this token to gitcreds_set()

What you can do (so far)

Now you can rock and roll with githubr.

Return a TRUE/FALSE if a repo exists:

exists <- check_git_repo("jhudsl/OTTR_Template")

if (exists) message("Yup, this repo exists")

Return a data frame of repos’ information for an organization or user

repos_df <- get_repos("fhdsl")

Return a data frame of issues’ information for a repo

issues_df <- get_issues("jhudsl/OTTR_Template")

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.