Load and plot data from Nevada Geodetic Laboratory

Let us first load the gmwmx2 package.


Download all available stations from NGL

all_stations <- download_all_stations_ngl()
##    station_name  latitude longitude    height
##          <char>     <num>     <num>     <num>
## 1:         00NA -12.46664 -229.1560 104.85105
## 2:         01NA -12.47822 -229.0180 105.40857
## 3:         02NA -12.35592 -229.1183 117.65247
## 4:         0ABI  68.35434 -341.1836 431.38847
## 5:         0ABN  65.03368 -338.6671  52.76211
## 6:         0ABY  58.65891 -343.8204  60.54753

Download one station

data_1LSU <- download_station_ngl("1LSU")

Extract GNSS position time series of station

## $names
## [1] "df_position"                   "df_equipment_software_changes"
## [3] "df_earthquakes"               
## $class
## [1] "gnss_ts_ngl"
##    station_name    date decimal_year modified_julian_day gps_week
##          <char>  <char>        <num>               <int>    <int>
## 1:         1LSU 03APR23     2003.307               52752     1215
## 2:         1LSU 03APR24     2003.310               52753     1215
## 3:         1LSU 03APR25     2003.313               52754     1215
## 4:         1LSU 03APR26     2003.315               52755     1215
## 5:         1LSU 03APR27     2003.318               52756     1216
## 6:         1LSU 03APR28     2003.321               52757     1216
##    day_of_gps_week longitude_reference_meridian eastings_integer_portion
##              <int>                        <num>                    <int>
## 1:               3                        -91.2                     1896
## 2:               4                        -91.2                     1896
## 3:               5                        -91.2                     1896
## 4:               6                        -91.2                     1896
## 5:               0                        -91.2                     1896
## 6:               1                        -91.2                     1896
##    eastings_fractional_portion northings_integer_portion
##                          <num>                     <int>
## 1:                    0.711049                   3365278
## 2:                    0.709828                   3365278
## 3:                    0.709516                   3365278
## 4:                    0.709294                   3365278
## 5:                    0.708491                   3365278
## 6:                    0.709078                   3365278
##    northings_fractional_portion vertical_integer_portion
##                           <num>                    <int>
## 1:                     0.822996                       -6
## 2:                     0.823368                       -6
## 3:                     0.821628                       -6
## 4:                     0.822800                       -6
## 5:                     0.822997                       -6
## 6:                     0.822855                       -6
##    vertical_fractional_portion antenna_height east_sigma north_sigma
##                          <num>          <num>      <num>       <num>
## 1:                   -0.513319              0   0.000744    0.000770
## 2:                   -0.509680              0   0.000751    0.000794
## 3:                   -0.509723              0   0.000764    0.000805
## 4:                   -0.513679              0   0.000746    0.000795
## 5:                   -0.514945              0   0.000730    0.000779
## 6:                   -0.513593              0   0.000742    0.000804
##    vertical_sigma east_north_correlation east_vertical_correlation
##             <num>                  <num>                     <num>
## 1:       0.002916               0.004143                 -0.052295
## 2:       0.003006              -0.004771                 -0.073633
## 3:       0.003065              -0.033009                 -0.032816
## 4:       0.002970              -0.031578                 -0.034920
## 5:       0.002870               0.014876                 -0.046110
## 6:       0.002976              -0.002140                 -0.008859
##    north_vertical_correlation nominal_station_latitude
##                         <num>                    <num>
## 1:                  -0.108750                 30.40742
## 2:                  -0.084747                 30.40742
## 3:                  -0.099395                 30.40742
## 4:                  -0.066100                 30.40742
## 5:                  -0.072286                 30.40742
## 6:                  -0.082712                 30.40742
##    nominal_station_longitude nominal_station_height
##                        <num>                  <num>
## 1:                 -91.18026               -6.51332
## 2:                 -91.18026               -6.50968
## 3:                 -91.18026               -6.50972
## 4:                 -91.18026               -6.51368
## 5:                 -91.18026               -6.51495
## 6:                 -91.18026               -6.51359

Extract equipment or software changes steps

##    station_name date_YYMMDD step_type_code            type_equipment_change
##          <char>      <char>          <int>                           <char>
## 1:         1LSU     03OCT08              1                  Logfile_Changed
## 2:         1LSU     05SEP06              1         Elevation_Cutoff_Changed
## 3:         1LSU     06MAY11              1  Receiver_Make_and_Model_Changed
## 4:         1LSU     08JUN20              1 Antenna_and_Radome_Codes_Changed
## 5:         1LSU     08JUN23              1         Elevation_Cutoff_Changed
## 6:         1LSU     10APR14              1             Antenna_Code_Changed
##    modified_julian_date
##                   <num>
## 1:                52920
## 2:                53619
## 3:                53866
## 4:                54637
## 5:                54640
## 6:                55300

Extract earthquakes steps

##    station_name date_YYMMDD step_type_code treshold_distance_km
##          <char>      <char>          <int>               <char>
## 1:         1LSU     17SEP08              2             2041.738
##    distance_station_to_epicenter_km event_magnitude usgs_event_id
##                               <num>           <num>        <char>
## 1:                         1733.136             8.2    us2000ahv0
##    modified_julian_date
##                   <num>
## 1:                58004

Plot GNSS position time series


plot(data_1LSU, component = "N")

plot(data_1LSU, component = "E")

plot(data_1LSU, component = "V")

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