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The goal of headliner is to translate facts into insights. Given two values, headliner generates building blocks for creating dynamic text. These talking points can be combined using using glue syntax to add informative titles to plots, section headers or other text in a report.


You can install the dev version of headliner from github with:


Let’s look at some of the talking points for the difference between 5 and 7:


compare_values(5, 7) |> # returns a list
  view_list() # show as a data frame
#>                        value
#> x                          5
#> y                          7
#> delta                      2
#> delta_p                 28.6
#> article_delta            a 2
#> article_delta_p       a 28.6
#> raw_delta                 -2
#> raw_delta_p            -28.6
#> article_raw_delta       a -2
#> article_raw_delta_p  a -28.6
#> sign                      -1
#> orig_values          5 vs. 7
#> trend               decrease

We can string the talking points together like this:

  x = 5, 
  y = 7, 
  headline = "There was {article_delta_p}% {trend} ({orig_values})"
#> There was a 28.6% decrease (5 vs. 7)

See here for a longer introduction.

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