Getting PDFs from pre-print servers

Just get some PDFs

In this vignette we go through the process of getting some PDFs. First we need to set-up a tibble of papers that we are interested in.


two_pdfs <-
    locations_are = c("",
    save_here = c("competing_effects_on_the_average_age_of_infant_death.pdf",

Now we want to download those PDFs (this will just download them into the current working directory).

  data = two_pdfs,
  links = "locations_are",
  save_names = "save_here"

Get some PDFs and save them in a particular folder

Now it may be useful to have the PDFs saved into a specific folder. So this time make a folder ‘inputs’ in the current working directory. Those same PDFs will now be saved into that folder.

  data = two_pdfs,
  links = "locations_are",
  save_names = "save_here",
  dir = "inputs"

Check which PDFs already exist in a particular folder

Now we can check which of these we have.

heapsofpapers::check_for_existence(data = two_pdfs, 
                                   save_names = "save_here",
                                   dir = "inputs")

mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.