Destination Weather API

Weather forecasts, reports on current weather conditions, astronomical information and alerts at a specific location based on the ‘HERE Destination Weather’ API.


In order to request information about the current weather situation points of interest (POIs) have to be provided. The POIs must be an sf object containing geometries of type POINT or a character vector containing place names (e.g. cities). These POIs are passed to the weather() function, whereby the product parameter is set to "observation":

observation <- weather(
  poi = poi,
  product = "observation"

The return value is an sf object, which contains the POINT geometries of the provided POIs and the most recent record on the observed weather. The measurements are taken from the nearest weather observation stations with respect to the POIs. The distance of the stations to the provided POIs is an indicator for the reliabilty of the weather information at each POI. A table of the observed weather near the example POIs:

id city distance daylight description sky_info sky_desc temperature temperature_desc comfort high_temperature low_temperature humidity dew_point precipitation_probability rain_fall wind_speed wind_direction wind_descr wind_descr_short uv_index uv_descr barometer_pressure barometer_trend
1 Rönnimoos 0.45 day Sprinkles. Partly sunny. Mild. 14 Partly sunny 19.00 Mild 19.00 21.5 14.9 73 14.00 97 0.52 12.97 160 South S 0 Minimal 1014.23 Falling
1 Alpnachstad 11.18 day Sprinkles. More clouds than sun. Mild. 13 More clouds than sun 18.00 Mild 18.00 NA NA 88 16.00 NA NA 12.97 190 South S NA NA 1015.24 Falling
1 Stans 11.74 day Light rain. Broken clouds. Mild. 15 Broken clouds 18.00 Mild 18.00 NA NA 83 15.00 NA NA 3.71 0 North N NA NA 1015.24 Falling
2 Lugano 0.67 day Broken clouds. Mild. 15 Broken clouds 21.00 Mild 21.00 21.4 17.5 94 20.00 99 2.69 7.41 10 North N 0 Minimal 1015.24 Steady
2 Locarno-Magadino 19.60 day Rain. Partly sunny. Mild. 14 Partly sunny 20.00 Mild 20.00 NA NA 94 19.00 NA NA 5.56 220 Southwest SW NA NA 1014.23 Steady
2 Locarno-Monti 23.35 day Rain. Low clouds. Mild. 19 Low clouds 18.72 Mild 18.72 NA NA 90 17.11 NA NA 7.41 280 West W NA NA 1015.10 Rising
2 Milan / Malpensa 45.13 day Broken clouds. Mild. 15 Broken clouds 23.00 Mild 22.75 NA NA 83 20.00 NA NA 16.68 130 Southeast SE NA NA 1014.23 Steady
3 Chailly 0.34 day Heavy rain. Low clouds. Mild. 19 Low clouds 17.11 Mild 17.11 19.8 16.3 95 16.28 99 2.38 3.71 120 Southeast SE 0 Minimal 1016.20 Rising
4 Kleinhüningen 0.43 day Rain. Overcast. Mild. 18 Overcast 17.39 Mild 17.39 22.4 14.9 93 16.28 71 0.96 9.27 230 Southwest SW 0 Minimal 1015.10 Rising
5 Kehrsatz 0.62 day Light rain. More clouds than sun. Mild. 13 More clouds than sun 18.00 Mild 18.00 18.7 13.3 83 15.00 76 0.58 9.27 180 South S 0 Minimal 1015.24 Rising
5 Grenchen 29.72 day Light rain. Scattered clouds. Mild. 9 Scattered clouds 18.00 Mild 18.00 NA NA 88 16.00 NA NA 7.41 270 West W NA NA 1015.24 Steady
6 Zürich (Kreis 6) / Oberstrass 0.82 day Sprinkles. Partly sunny. Mild. 14 Partly sunny 19.00 Mild 19.00 20.5 14.6 78 15.00 94 0.39 9.27 160 South S 0 Minimal 1015.24 Steady
6 Zurich-Kloten 11.00 day Scattered showers. Passing clouds. Mild. 7 Passing clouds 19.00 Mild 19.00 NA NA 78 15.00 NA NA 16.68 160 South S NA NA 1014.23 Falling
6 Zurich-Kloten 11.34 day Rain showers. Overcast. Mild. 18 Overcast 17.78 Mild 17.78 NA NA 91 16.28 NA NA 5.56 170 South S NA NA 1014.50 Rising
7 Geneva 0.49 day Lots of rain. Low clouds. Mild. 19 Low clouds 17.11 Mild 17.11 23.0 12.4 92 15.78 99 2.99 14.83 90 East E 0 Minimal 1013.70 Rising
7 Geneva 4.52 day Rain showers. Broken clouds. Mild. 15 Broken clouds 17.00 Mild 17.00 NA NA 100 17.00 NA NA 5.56 0 North N NA NA 1016.26 Falling
7 Annecy-meythet 31.32 day Light rain. Overcast. Cool. 18 Overcast 16.61 Cool 16.61 NA NA 91 15.11 NA NA 12.97 70 East E NA NA 1015.70 Rising
7 Annecy/Meythet 32.61 day Light rain. Overcast. Mild. 18 Overcast 17.00 Mild 17.00 NA NA 88 15.00 NA NA 12.97 70 East E NA NA 1016.26 Falling
8 Vaduz 0.94 day Rain. Overcast. Mild. 18 Overcast 18.72 Mild 18.72 22.1 14.1 91 17.22 92 2.54 1.85 40 Northeast NE 0 Minimal 1014.30 Rising
8 Feldkirch 16.66 day Light rain. Overcast. Mild. 18 Overcast 19.50 Mild 19.50 NA NA 86 17.11 NA NA 1.85 290 West W NA NA 1013.20 Rising
8 Chur 29.72 day Rain. Overcast. Mild. 18 Overcast 17.78 Mild 17.78 NA NA 94 16.78 NA NA 7.41 20 North N NA NA 1014.00 Rising

Print the weather observation information on an interactive leaflet map:

if (requireNamespace("mapview", quietly = TRUE)) {
  m <-
      zcol = "temperature",
      cex = observation$humidity / 10, = "Observation",
      map.types = c("Esri.WorldTopoMap"),
      homebutton = FALSE
    ) +
      zcol = "city",
      cex = 1,
      col.region = "black",
      legend = FALSE,
      homebutton = FALSE


An hourly forecast of the predicted weather for the following seven days can be obtained by setting the product parameter to "forecast_hourly":

forecast <- weather(
  poi = poi,
  product = "forecast_hourly"

Print the weather observation information on an interactive leaflet map with popup graphs for temperature and humidity:

  1. Create a list containing the temperature and humidity graphs for every POI:
if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
  g <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(forecast)), function(x) {
    df <- forecast$forecasts[[x]]
    ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(x = time)) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = temperature, color = "Temperature")) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = humidity / 5, color = "Humidity")) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis(~ . * 5, name = "Relative humidity [%]")) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "red")) +
      ggplot2::labs(y = "Air temperature [°C]", x = "", colour = "") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(forecast$city[x]) +
      ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom", panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(color = NA))
  1. Then add list of graphs to the leaflet map using the the popup parameter:
if (requireNamespace(c("ggplot2", "mapview", "leafpop"), quietly = TRUE)) {
  m <-
      color = "black",
      col.region = "yellow", = "Weather station",
      zcol = "city",
      map.types = c("Esri.WorldTopoMap"),
      homebutton = FALSE,
      legend = FALSE,
      popup = leafpop::popupGraph(g)
    ) +
      zcol = "city",
      cex = 1,
      col.region = "black", = "POI",
      legend = FALSE,
      homebutton = FALSE


An astronomical forecast is requested by setting the product parameter to "forecast_astronomy":

astronomy <- weather(
  poi = poi,
  product = "forecast_astronomy"

Print a table for the sun and moon times of the first example POI, where the nearest station is ‘Emmenbrücke’:

time sun_rise sun_set moon_rise moon_set moon_phase moon_phase_description
2023-09-18 07:07:00 19:33:00 10:33:00 20:47:00 0.079 Waxing crescent
2023-09-19 07:09:00 19:31:00 11:45:00 21:08:00 0.141 Waxing crescent
2023-09-20 07:10:00 19:29:00 12:59:00 21:35:00 0.218 Waxing crescent
2023-09-21 07:11:00 19:27:00 14:14:00 22:11:00 0.310 Waxing crescent
2023-09-22 07:13:00 19:25:00 15:25:00 23:01:00 0.412 First Quarter
2023-09-23 07:14:00 19:23:00 16:26:00 NA 0.521 First Quarter
2023-09-24 07:15:00 19:21:00 17:16:00 00:05:00 0.631 Waxing gibbous
2023-09-25 07:17:00 19:19:00 17:53:00 01:23:00 0.738 Waxing gibbous


Current weather alerts, near provided POIs, are obtain by the product alerts:

alerts <- weather(
  poi = poi,
  product = "alerts"

This returns an sf object with the POIs and the attribute "alerts", which contains the current weather alerts. If no alerts are recorded near a POI the attribute "alerts" is NULL.

API Reference

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