
:package: An R data package containing datasets related to Hong Kong

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:page_with_curl: Introduction

This package contains datasets on Hong Kong. This package is developed as part of the Hong Kong Districts Info group of projects, which is dedicated to using data science to help make public information more accessible and consumable. The package contains the following datasets:

The datasets hk_accidents, hk_collisions, and hk_vehicles are related and can be joined together using the variable Serial_No_. This dataset was made available via a Freedom of Information request to the Hong Kong Transport Department. We would also like to thank the authors behind the {HK80} package to enable us to convert the HK1980GRID coordinate system to longitudes and latitudes in the hk_accidents dataset.

*Note that version 1.0.0 introduced major breaking changes, which moved hk_accidents, hk_casualties, and hk_vehicles to being only available via download_data() and will not be available directly as a namespace due to CRAN size limitations. See for more information.

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:wrench: Installation

{hkdatasets} is now available on CRAN. You can install this with:


You can also install the latest development version from GitHub with:


:chart_with_upwards_trend: Datasets

If you are exploring the package, we recommend starting with 2019 District Councillors dataset:


To find out more about the variable and the source of the dataset, you can run:


Note: this dataset contains Chinese characters in the UTF-8 encoding.

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