ibdsim2 2.2.0

App updates


ibdsim2 2.1.1

App updates

Package updates

ibdsim2 2.1.0

This version includes a major update of the shiny app frontend to ibdsim2. Previously developed in a separate repository (accessible at https://github.com/magnusdv/ibdsim2-legacy/), the app is now included as part of the ibdsim2 package, and can be run locally with ibdsim2::launchApp(). The live version is available at https://magnusdv.shinyapps.io/ibdsim2-shiny/.

New app features


ibdsim2 2.0.0

Breaking changes

New features

ibdsim2 1.5.0

New features


ibdsim2 1.4.0

New features

Bug fixes

ibdsim2 1.3.0

New features

Bug fixes

ibdsim2 1.2

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes

ibdsim2 1.1

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