Functions based on plyr are gradually being
phased out in favour of ones based on purrr and
dplyr. plyr is no longer loaded by
default, which solves some conflicts, but may break existing code! If
that’s the case just add require(plyr)
new functions imeval and imchange. These create custom execution
environments for functions, and simplify image pipelines: for example,
imeval(boats,~ xs*.)
is equivalent to:
and creates a fading effect.
imchange(boats,~ c==1,~ xs*.)
is the same thing but applied
only to the first colour channel (R)
(experimental feature) quick-and-dirty interactive interfaces are now easy to program using the interact() function. Use it to explore filter parameters, interactive segmentation. For more sophisticated needs, use e.g. shiny.
(experimental feature) as.igraph methods for images and pixsets convert images into graph representations. Nodes are pixels, and edges are drawn between neighbouring pixels. On pixsets, this allows some interesting morphological operations, e.g. contour tracing. On images, it could be used for various graph-based image processing algorithms, like spectral graph clustering
im <- boats
im[sample(nPix(im),1e4)] <- NA
inpaint(im,1) %>% imlist(im,.) %>%
setNames(c("before","after")) %>%
isoblur now has optional na.rm argument, and can ignore missing values.
new function: colorise, to fill in regions with a certain colour.
Also comes with a formula interface, just like imeval. Ex: highlight
central region in image
colorise(boats,~ sqrt(xc^2+yc^2) < 140,"blue",alpha=.2) %>% plot
see ?colorise for more.
new function: load.dir, to load all images in a directory
new function: Hough transforms for circles and lines are now available, see hough_circle and hough_line
most functions that take a colour argument now accept colour
names, e.g.: imfill(10,10,val="red")
fixed problem with recent versions of ImageMagick that weren’t detected properly
* added crop.bbox for cropping image to the bounding box of a pixset
* updated CImg: fixes issues with Intel C compiler and libtiff giving pop-up warnings on Windows
* threshold now has an "adjust" argument, to adjust the auto-thresholding
* switched to C++11
* Updated CImg, imager should now compile on Solaris
* Fixed memory access bug in px.flood
what you’d expect (i.e., the same as