has shown how to set up a package skeleton with indiedown. This article teaches you how to apply customizations to produce a template that fits your needs.
indiedown does not modify the default .tex
template of Pandoc. Instead, all modifications are applied on top of it. This should make it compliant with future releases of Pandoc and R Markdown.
There are three possible customization points to customize an indiedown skeleton:
Set defaults (such as fonts or geometry) in the YAML header at inst/indiedown/default.yaml
Tweak LaTeX settings at inst/indiedown/preamble.tex
Apply dynamic adjustments in pre_processor.R
For this tutorial, we will focus on the first two points only.
Let’s have a look at inst/indedown/default.yaml
# indiedown: customize defaults in YAML header here
indent: false
compact-title: true
subparagraph: true # needed for titlesec
papersize: a4
documentclass: article
secnumdepth: 2
fontsize: "11pt"
mainfont: regular.ttf
- Path=<<indiedown_path>>/fonts/
- BoldFont=bold.ttf
- ItalicFont=italic.ttf
- BoldItalicFont=bolditalic.ttf
- Scale=0.92
linestretch: 1.05
- top=2cm
- bottom=2cm
- left=2cm
- right=2cm
These are simply defaults for the custom template. So rather than adding these options to the YAML header of the .Rmd
each time, they can be stored centrally. You can overwrite these values in the .Rmd
It is recommended to set as many customizations as possible as Pandoc options, and fall back to LaTeX if this is not possible. A full list of options is given in the LaTeX section of the Pandoc manual.
In our case, we want to use slightly wider page margins, so we change the geometry to:
- top=2.5cm
- bottom=2.5cm
- left=3cm
- right=3cm
Changing the font to fit your corporate style is usually the first step in customization.
Note that <<indiedown_path>>
will be automatically substituted with the actual location of inst/indiedown
. That is why we can include assets that are picked up by the template. The default template includes the free Roboto font, which is located at inst/indiedown
We could replace that with a proprietary font to match the corporate design. Instead we use a helper function to get one of Google’s free fonts.
use_indiedown_gfonts(id = “lato”)
The function relies on the gfonts package to download and install the Lato font. If you don’t know the ID of a font, use gfonts::get_all_fonts()
to get a list of all available fonts.
Let’s preview what we have by now:
Let’s turn to the second customization point, preamble.tex
. This contains LaTeX code that is run at the beginning. Add everything here that cannot be changed in the default.yaml
. We want to use slightly bigger headers, and change the titlesec
line to:
As for default.yaml
, it supports substitution of <<indiedown_path>>
, so you could link to images here as well. Generally, you do not want do too many thing here. Note that the default LaTeX title page is disabled in the default template, for good reason:
Instead, we will build our own title page in R now.
One of the core principles of indiedown is to keep corporate design elements as R code. That way, elements can be arranged flexibly and adjusted to particular needs.
As a final step, we build a customized title page by modifying the function definition of R/cd_page_title
. The function writes LaTeX code that will be added to the .Rmd
when cd_page_title()
is called.
To make writing of LaTeX code in R easy, we rely on the raw string feature that was added in R 4.0.0. It allows you to write pure LaTeX code in R, without having to escape every \
by a second \\
If you have to use a version of R that is older, the read_tex()
function offers an alternative way to write unescaped LaTeX code. See ?read_tex
The indiedown_glue()
helper function uses the glue package to substitute variables in the string. That way, variables such as title
or subtitle
will be substituted in the LaTeX code.
With indiedown_path_tex()
, you can also refer to the path of inst/indiedown
, and use assets from the package. In the example, we use this to include a logo. Now, we don’t want to use a logo but rather a photograph of a beautiful parrot. We download the image from in medium quality and store it in res/mikhail-vasilyev-gGC63oug3iY-unsplash.jpg
. Then, we change the function definition as follows:
<- function(title = default(rmarkdown::metadata$title, "Title"),
cd_page_title subtitle = default(rmarkdown::metadata$subtitle, "Subtitle"),
date = default(rmarkdown::metadata$date, cd_format_date(Sys.Date()))) {
<- indiedown_path_tex("res/mikhail-vasilyev-gGC63oug3iY-unsplash.jpg")
# R >=4, raw strings allow to write LaTeX without escaping \ etc
\noindent \Huge <<title>>
\noindent \huge <<subtitle>>
\noindent <<date>>
) }
Of course, we could also pass an image path as an argument, so we can choose a different title page in each report.
Building the package again, and running the template .Rmd
, we get:
indiedown provides a framework to easily generate customized R Markdown templates. Templates can be customized by the full power of Pandoc and LaTeX through various points of customization.
This walk-through introduced two of them. For more details and a description of the third one, see vignette("customize")
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