Diccionary of terms


The purpose of this dictionary is to provide you with short explanations about the main components of ixplorer. This will help you with the flow of daily work of your project and to communicate better with your science team of data.

What’s a project?

A project is the workplace where specific goals are pursued. Within of a project you can have several repositories up to the necessary amount to satisfy the organization.

A project can be, for example, a credit risk model and under this project you can find the repository “analisis_exploratorio”, the repository “model” and the repository “package_r”, thus keeping the code separate according to different purposes but all referred to the same project theme.

The project page will look similar to this:

What’s a repository?

A repository can be seen as a folder where all the files are kept. These files can be shared with other team members to get started to collaborate on different tickets that involve tasks.

There are ways to keep a repository organized whatever you’re working on. a package or in an RStudio project with R or other files.

Our recommendation is:

What is an upstream?

Upstream is the standard name we use to refer to the “central” repository which contains clean code and functional code. From this central repository, team members should to make your fork to be able to work on your tickets.

What’s a fork?

This is a “copy” of the central repository. It will be under your username. You fork a repository when you want to contribute code to the repository central. By the time you are ready to offer your improvements, you make a pull request. In your fork (unless you make a request merge) only your work will affect your repository, not the core repository. You must be aware that all changes in the central repository will not automatically appear in your fork unless that you follow due process with git to update your repository.


Tickets are created to document actions that need to be performed in a repository. Tickets can have different categories:


One way to organize your project priorities is by assigning tickets to each of the milestones you define. An example of a milestone might be the release of a package.


The repository place where information can be documented, defined and maintained This info may be necessary to communicate to your team to answer questions and stay informed about the project.


A release is created to set the release of your code, which means: that you have a deadline where the code will be ready, so that will be reviewed, clean and functional.

All this code can be an R package, it will be labeled as a release, which marks a specific point in the history of the project.


In this place you can configure the repository, the people who have access, who can collaborate, write or change code. If you want to remove the repository, change rights, this is the place to do it.

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