Introduction to kerastuneR

R interface to Keras Tuner

Keras Tuner is a hypertuning framework made for humans. It aims at making the life of AI practitioners, hypertuner algorithm creators and model designers as simple as possible by providing them with a clean and easy to use API for hypertuning. Keras Tuner makes moving from a base model to a hypertuned one quick and easy by only requiring you to change a few lines of code.

A hyperparameter tuner for Keras, specifically for tf$keras with TensorFlow 2.0.

Full documentation and tutorials available on the Keras Tuner website.


Currently, the package is available on github:


Later, you need to install the python module kerastuner:

kerastuneR::install_kerastuner(python_path = 'paste python path')

Usage: the basics

Here’s how to perform hyperparameter tuning for a single-layer dense neural network using random search.

First, we define a model-building function. It takes an argument hp from which you can sample hyperparameters, such as hp$Int('units', min_value=32L, max_value=512L, step=32L) (an integer from a certain range).

Sample data:

x_data <- matrix(data = runif(500,0,1),nrow = 50,ncol = 5)
y_data <-  ifelse(runif(50,0,1) > 0.6, 1L,0L) %>% as.matrix()

x_data2 <- matrix(data = runif(500,0,1),nrow = 50,ncol = 5)
y_data2 <-  ifelse(runif(50,0,1) > 0.6, 1L,0L) %>% as.matrix()

This function returns a compiled model.


build_model = function(hp) {
  model = keras_model_sequential()
  model %>% layer_dense(units=hp$Int('units',
                                      input_shape = ncol(x_data)
                                      activation='relu') %>% 
  layer_dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid') %>% 
    optimizer= tf$keras$optimizers$Adam(
                values=c(1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4))),

Next, instantiate a tuner. You should specify the model-building function, the name of the objective to optimize (whether to minimize or maximize is automatically inferred for built-in metrics), the total number of trials (max_trials) to test, and the number of models that should be built and fit for each trial (executions_per_trial).

Available tuners are RandomSearch and Hyperband.

Note: the purpose of having multiple executions per trial is to reduce results variance and therefore be able to more accurately assess the performance of a model. If you want to get results faster, you could set executions_per_trial=1 (single round of training for each model configuration).

tuner = RandomSearch(
    objective = 'val_accuracy',
    max_trials = 5,
    executions_per_trial = 3,
    directory = 'my_dir',
    project_name = 'helloworld')

You can print a summary of the search space:

tuner %>% search_summary()

Then, start the search for the best hyperparameter configuration. The call to search has the same signature as model %>% fit(). But here instead of fit() we call fit_tuner().

tuner %>% fit_tuner(x_data,y_data,
                    validation_data = list(x_data2,y_data2))

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