KGC Vignette

Chelsey Bryant, Nicholas R. Wheeler, Franz Rubel, Roger H. French


This package was created to ease the process of looking up the Koppen-Geiger Climate Zones for areas. Within this package, one will find helper functions and look up functions.

Helper functions

These functions within the package help in formatting the data in a way that will lead to a climate zone being predicted.

Look up functions

These functions will search for the climate zone

Example Uses

data <- data.frame(site = c("GC","UFS","NEG"), zip = c(44106, 96701, 80019))
data <- data.frame(TranslateZipCode(data))
##   site   zip Latitude  Longitude
## 1   GC 44106 41.50534  -81.60543
## 2  UFS 96701 21.40605 -157.88495
## 3  NEG 80019 39.78962 -104.69935
data <- data.frame(data, = RoundCoordinates(data$Latitude), rndCoord.lon = RoundCoordinates(data$Longitude))
##   site   zip Latitude  Longitude rndCoord.lon
## 1   GC 44106 41.50534  -81.60543        41.75       -81.75
## 2  UFS 96701 21.40605 -157.88495        21.25      -157.75
## 3  NEG 80019 39.78962 -104.69935        39.75      -104.75
data <- data.frame(data,ClimateZ=LookupCZ(data))
##   site   zip Latitude  Longitude rndCoord.lon ClimateZ
## 1   GC 44106 41.50534  -81.60543        41.75       -81.75      Dfa
## 2  UFS 96701 21.40605 -157.88495        21.25      -157.75       As
## 3  NEG 80019 39.78962 -104.69935        39.75      -104.75      BSk
data <- data.frame(data, CZUncertainty(data))
##   site   zip Latitude  Longitude rndCoord.lon ClimateZ
## 1   GC 44106 41.50534  -81.60543        41.75       -81.75      Dfa
## 2  UFS 96701 21.40605 -157.88495        21.25      -157.75       As
## 3  NEG 80019 39.78962 -104.69935        39.75      -104.75      BSk
##   uncertainty
## 1   0.5714286         Dfb
## 2   0.1666667          Af
## 3   0.2222222         Dfb
rename(data, c("" = "rounded lat", "rndCoord.lon" = "rounded long", "ClimateZ" =  "predicted KG-CZ", ""="possible KG-CZ"))
##   site   zip Latitude  Longitude rounded lat rounded long predicted KG-CZ
## 1   GC 44106 41.50534  -81.60543       41.75       -81.75             Dfa
## 2  UFS 96701 21.40605 -157.88495       21.25      -157.75              As
## 3  NEG 80019 39.78962 -104.69935       39.75      -104.75             BSk
##   uncertainty possible KG-CZ
## 1   0.5714286            Dfb
## 2   0.1666667             Af
## 3   0.2222222            Dfb

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