NanoSIMS data processing of LANS data in R: HMR files


This vignettes illustrates how to read and visualize data from HMR (=ion beam scan) files generated by the NanoSIMS software. These are primarily tuning files that are valuable for visualizing and evaluating how tuning parameters affect the peak shapes. This functionality is completely independent from LANS.

hmr <- load_HMR(system.file("extdata", "nanosims_data", "hmr", package = "lans2r"), 
                prefix = "", suffix = ".hmr_txt")

Settings overview

hmr %>% select(-step, -voltage, -cts) %>% distinct() %>% kable()
ion prefix filename date trolley B R M
1H /space/ims/data/Kopf/April_2014/PA_5e_1H.hmr 2014-02-04 21:32:00 #0 998.7 130.53 1.025
2H /space/ims/data/Kopf/April_2014/PA_5e_2H.hmr 2014-02-04 21:32:00 #1 998.7 184.90 2.056

Scan overview

hmr %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(voltage, cts, color = ion) + 
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_log10("counts") +
  facet_wrap(~ion, scales = "free")

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