The R
package liver provides a suite of
helper functions and a collection of datasets used in the book Data Science
Foundations and Machine Learning Using R. Designed to make data
science techniques accessible to individuals with minimal coding
experience, it simplifies tasks such as data partitioning for
out-of-sample testing and data transformations (z-score and min-max).
Inspired by an ancient Persian idiom, the package likens this learning
process to “eating the liver of data science,” symbolizing deep and
immersive engagement with the field. In addition to its helper
functions, liver also includes a collection of datasets valuable for
multivariate analysis.
To install the latest version of this package from CRAN, do the following from the R console:
To see how to use the functionality of the package for data analysis:
For a simple example see [][]
For more examples and details, please refer to the book Data Science Foundations and Machine Learning Using R.