Use Case 1 - Processing a Single Dataset from Arctic Data Center

Julien Brun, Mitchell Maier and Irene Steves, NCEAS



This vignette aims to showcase a use case using the 2 main functions of metajam - download_d1_data and read_d1_files to download one dataset from the Arctic Data Center data repository.

As example, we are using permafrost data from the Polaris Project 2017: Sarah Ludwig, Robert M Holmes, Susan Natali, Paul Mann, John Schade, et al. 2018. Polaris Project 2017: Permafrost carbon and nitrogen, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A2KK3F.

Libraries and constants

# devtools::install_github("NCEAS/metajam")
# Directory to save the data set
path_folder <- "Data_polaris"

# URL to download the dataset from DataONE
data_url <- ""

Download the dataset

# Create the local directory to download the datasets
dir.create(path_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)

# Download the dataset and associated metdata 
data_folder <- metajam::download_d1_data(data_url, path_folder)
# data_folder
# "Data_polaris/doi_10.18739_A2KK3F__Polaris_2017_Permafrost"

At this point, you should have the data and the metadata downloaded inside your main directory; Data_polaris in this example. metajam organize the files as follow:

Local file structure of a dataset downloaded by metajam

Local file structure of a dataset downloaded by metajam

Read the data and metadata in your R environment

# Read all the datasets and their associated metadata in as a named list
polaris17_permafrost <- metajam::read_d1_files(data_folder)

Structure of the named list object

You have now loaded in your R environment one named list object that contains the data polaris17_permafrost$data, the general (summary) metadata polaris17_permafrost$summary_metadata - such as title, creators, dates, locations - and the attribute level metadata information polaris17_permafrost$attribute_metadata, allowing user to get more information, such as units and definitions of your attributes.

Structure of the named list object containing tabular metadata and data as loaded by metajam

Structure of the named list object containing tabular metadata and data as loaded by metajam

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